Strangers no more

Start from the beginning

“It’s not separating, its only distancing for growth. She has always been so mature but fun at the same time and I was so immature and childish. I want to prove something of myself and when I do, I’d go back and find her again and hopefully that time, I'll be worth for her” he said as he lay down. He was so sincere I’ve never heard him say anything like this before.

For the first time, Chanyeol has opened my eyes into something beautiful.

Taking risks…



Following your heart…

Following my heart

“Chanyeol, you sleep first. I’m just going somewhere”

“Where? You want me to come?”

“No it’s okay. You rest first, I’ll be back”

“Oh ok. Be careful hyung, and use a thick jacket. It’s very cold outside”

I took my jacket and headed out.

I know it’s a little crazy to hope to see her there at this time of the night but I don’t know where else to find her and I don’t want to live a life wondering ‘what if’. I’m taking a risk and if she’s not there at least I know I tried.

I’m getting close. I stopped and rest for a bit. I looked up at the sky. Please be there, please be there. A smile grew on my face. A falling star had just made its way to tell me to get going.

I never imagined I’d be running like this in my entire life but I can’t contain myself. It’s funny how one girl who I’ve barely seen and doesn’t know can make me do this things.

Almost there.

I stopped when I saw a tinge of light coming from the spot. I walked slowly, softly and nervously

What if it’s not her?

There is no turning back now. I made my way. I let out a deep breath with what I saw.

She is here.

So this is what my heart has been telling me all along. To come here and find her.

I walked slowly towards her. She’s staring into the lake all covered up that it’s only her eyes that’s visible just like me.

“It’s not normal for a lady to come here at this time of the night” I half whispered. I knew I took her by surprise. She looked at me and I saw her eyes.

My heart has been beating a little faster than usual now. How did her eyes smile like that? I think I’m going crazy.

She shifted her gaze back to the lake.

“Yeah. I know I shouldn’t be here” she said “But I can’t help it”

“Don’t you have a house?” I asked

She chuckled. And I can’t help but smile at her. I want to see her smile.

“Why are you laughing” I asked her while I was laughing myself

“Nothing. I do have a house but I like to stay here to think. I like this place. It’s perfect”

I smiled although she cannot see it “I’m glad you like my spot” I said

“So this is yours. I’ve always wondered who made this place, nice taste of location, that explains why you’re here right now”

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