Strangers no more

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Did you ever have the feeling of finding a complete different meaning to a thing that has been very common to you?

Like knowing a song you have always sang from your heart and how a single voice changes it all and opens you up to this infinite wondering.

Why does it feel this way?

How does her voice make me feel this way?

She can sing, like any other singer can but how she puts so much emotion on a single line of a song especially that I know that song like it’s the back of my hand is beyond me. It felt like she owned the song. It sounded like it was perfectly made for her.

I don’t even know her; I have only seen her eyes. It’s strange, distinctly strange that it makes me have this deep curiosity to know her more.

Who is she?


“Hyung! Hyung! Yah Byun Baekhyun! Are you listening to me?” Chanyeol interrupted my thoughts as he waves his hand in front of my face.


“I’ve been talking to you but you’re not listening”

“Oh, sorry, what were you saying?” I was lost in deep thoughts.

“I said your mom is really cool. She taught me how to cook and make this stuff, what do you call that again? Ahhh, Nevermind. And she told me a lot of stories about you. You’re a really funny even as a kid” he said as he started laughing.

Now what’d she say this time. My mom has this habit of saying embarrassing stories of me and my brother when we were young every time she has visitors in the house. She even has her favorite story of all. There was this story I’ve heard her say plenty of times.

“She told me you said when you were a kid that you would marry her!” and I was right. That’s her favorite story of all. I did say that to her before because she cooks this perfect food that I just want to stay with her forever.

 “Did you really say that?” Chanyeol continued laughing.

“You did have a taste of her cooking did you?” I said

“Well yeah. It was awesome. Home made food from masters are always the best!”

“Yeah I know”

“Well, I kind of understand what you're saying.”

“See what I mean? I was a kid back then and she cooks these ridiculous foods. Who wouldn’t want to marry her?” I asked him

“Yeah, you’ve got a point there”

“Of course I do”

"So why don't you want to marry her now? She still cooks amazing"

"That's because I'm older now. I've got a better view about life"

"I see." He nodded “Ah, Baek?” he called again. This time his voice a little softer.


“What were you thinking awhile ago? Your eyes were strange, like they are lost. It was scary”

I let out a deep breath.

Even my eyes are lost now.

“You ever got this feeling of being pulled before?” I asked him

“Ahh” he thought for a second “Yeah, Suho hyung does that to me a lot, when I get myself into trouble. Even to you too right? Then there was Tao, who would pull me to coming with him to shower. Then Lay hyu—“

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