Chapter 39 : The Last hope

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Alex's POV

"Aahh. That hurt." The doctor was stitching my wound up.
"Oh! Sorry. But you should have opted for the painless option." She said it as if she was mocking me.

"Alright. Please get over with this. Its been an hour already."

"Actually its more than an hour. But thats because we had to ensure there were no glass pieces still stuck in your wounds. Please don't show your anger on the poor glass tables or windows next time."

I didn't like her much. Guess the feeling was mutual. She thought I was some rich brat, who protested against his father when he denied him luxuries. She doesn't understand. She doesn't have to anyways.

Once I was all sewn up, I went to check on Ananya.
I switched on the lights only to find her bed empty.
"Ananya? You there?"
I called onto her to see if she was in the washroom. But there was no response.
Where could she go?
May be she went to Mrs.Donavan's room.
I rushed to her room. But still no sign of Ananya. I came out to check with the staff if they had seen her.
"Have you seen Ananya?"
I asked the nurse who attended to Mrs.Donavan.

"Yes. She was here a while back but she left the room as far as I remember."

"Where did she go?"

"Sorry. I was busy at the station. Did not really pay attention."

"How could you just ignore? Even she is a patient here. Damn it! Where did she go?

I ran out to the ground floor and asked the guard on dute and the people at the reception. But no one had seen her.

Was she still in the building? I ran back upstairs to check if she was back. But her room was still empty. I went to Mrs.Donavan's room. But no sign there too. I stood there for a moment. My heart beating fast fearing the worst.
'No she cannot.' I told myself.

Still wondering where she could be I saw a note on the table.
I sprang towards it.

'Take care of her Alex.'
My worst fears had come true. How could she do this to me.

My feet started to tremble. The room became darker and darker as tears blurred my vision.

"Sir, did you check the top floor terrace? May be she went there."

Terrace. It suddenly clicked me. May be I wasn't too late.
I ran out of the room without looking at the nurse.
Jumping over 2 stairs at a time I reached the terrace. The door was open.
I walked through and looked around.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw her sitting there on the parafeit wall. I did not want to startle her.
I calmly called onto her as warm tears embraced my cheeks.
Thank God she was alright.

I knew she heard me. She didn't turn but moved a little. I moved towards her to hold her.
"I am sorry Alex."

"You should be. How could you do this to me? You scared me."

She looked at me. Her eyes were swollen with all the crying.
But she wasn't crying anymore.

"I am sorry Alex. I really am. I have been nothing but trouble for you. Haven't I?"

"Stop your nonsense and get down here first."

She did not resist as I helped her come down.
I hugged her tightly and she gave in.
I didn't want to let her go and neither did she.
We stood there like that for a long time. When we finally let go, she sat down with her back against the wall.
"I don't want to go down. You mind sitting here with me?"

I quietly sad down next to her with my legs stretched long just like hers.

She crossed her hands with mine and rested her head on my arm. I rested my head on her head feeling relieved that I reached there in time. I had promised Mrs.Donavan that I would always take care of her.
"What happened Ananya? Why would you even think of something like this?"
She remained silent for a long time and I too did not push for an answer. I knew she would open up on her own. She needed time.

"I was scared Alex. All this is definitely not what I wanted for myself."

"Alex, I am sorry I have been lying to you all these days. Nathan and I are not together anymore."

"I know. I mean I know now. Dad told me everything, so you don't need to explain anything to me. There is just this one thing I did not understand."

"I know. You are wondering why I went back to Swornwell for work."
She took a long pause before continuing.
"Can we for now, not talk about it."

"You know you can share anything and everything with me right?I am there for you Ananya."
I kissed her forehead and rested my head again on top of hers. She just tightened her grip on my arm.
"I am not going anywhere sweety. But why would you want to go away from me, from everyone who cares for you?"

"I didn't want to bother anyone anymore Alex. I have caused enough trouble and messed up everyone's life."

"You know its not like that. No one thinks that."

"No one would say it out loud Alex. Thats the point. I was fed up with my life. I felt as if I was just going down and I saw no hope of rising up again."
I was listening to her quietly. She had started to open up. I just wanted her to pour her heart out completely this time.

"I loved Nathan. And he.."
She again held my arm tightly. I guess the memory of it all scared her.

"He forced himself on me. And see my fate, he doesn't even remember doing that. He was completely inebriated that night and angry on me. He thought I was having and affair with you and there you were not even talking to me."

A wave of guilt took over me. She did really care for me. I was foolish to have asked for more the way I did. It must have hurt her so bad.

"I can't even blame anyone for my own fate. But who knew I had another wave of bad luck coming my way. Today, after getting the news I lost my patience Alex. And I became so selfish that I didn't even care about Maa and was about to leave her alone. She never left my side all these years."

"Why do you think this news is bad luck Ananya? May be this will bring back all the happy times in your life. May be this will change everything for you."

"Nathan will never accept the child as his own. He doesn't remember so he thinks the child is yours. That is not true. Being a single mother is difficult. Having a baby without marriage is not what is acceptable in our Indian culture, which although a secondary reason also important for me. I never wanted things to turn out this way. Why can't I have all that I dreamt for, all that a normal girl always gets. A loving husband, a loving family and then a lovely child."

I did not even understand how to console her.

"I was scared Alex. I didn't want my child to be called a bastard, who doesn't even know who his father was. Who wouldn't even get his father's name."
She let go off my arm and wrapped her arms around my neck. And for the first time since I found her on the terrace she had tears in her eyes.
"I had made the decision to end my life Alex. I was standing here on the wall, ready to jump. But when I closed my eyes, I saw him. I saw my baby calling onto me.

'Mamma, I don't want to die. I want to meet you. I will never ask about my Father. Your love is everything that I ask for. Don't you love me Mamma? Don't you wanna meet me too?'
And that was when I realised. Its no more about what I want. Its about what my child wants from me. I couldn't kill him. And so I sat down, trying to figure out how to uncomplicate my life for my baby."

"Oh Ananya. I am going to love your kid so much you know. We both love the same person and he saved her life. Don't ever scare me again like this, you get that?"
She just nodded in my arms. My heart was beating again like a drum. This time with happiness. She was alive, in my arms safe and sound.

"Alex. Will you help me again?"

"Tell me what you need."

"I want to meet Nathan. I want to give it a last try. Will you take me to him tomorrow?"

How can I stop her from seeing him. I knew she had to try this time. Not for herself but for the little life growing inside her. But Dad would be furious if he comes to know.
"Sure Ananya. But lets just keep this between you and me for now. Dad will not like this idea. You know he cares for you."

He sure does. He cares for her more than he cares for me sometimes.

"I hope Nathan will hear me out."

I just nodded, somewhere I had a bad feeling about this. Something bad was going to happen tomorrow. But I had to hope for what's best for my friend.

Love just happens!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant