Chapter 30 : Remembrall

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Nathan's POV

"Nathan!!! Nathannnn!!! Wake up. Get out of my room dude. What?? Have you been sleeping here since last night?"
Lisa was screaming at the top of her voice and I was still struggling to open my eyes. Her voice was sounding like a gong in my head, a huge huge gong.

"Stop it! Will you please stop it." I managed to open one eye and look at her. She looked annoyed and I failed to understand why.
"Get up Nathan, its saturday for God's sake. Are you sleeping here since thursday night dinner? My God, have you been smoking something?"

Her voice pricked my head like a nail beung drilled in a wall. It was as if she was shrieking in my ears.
"Dont fuck with me. Leave me alone. Just get out bitch."

"Dude. Boundaries!"
I heard Robert roar from the back ground.
"Enough. Leave the room. This is Lisa's suite dude and you are trying to throw her out? And what happened here..look at the mess you have left."

"Get up get up get up get up!!!" Lisa continued her irritating shriek.

"Alright alright.!! Stop screaming now. I wil go. I am not here to stay." My mind was still numb.
I realised i was not dressed. "Can you leave for a minute? i will get dressed and let you be."

They went out and I quickly got dressed.
Robert was pissed at me but I was not in my senses.
"Hey. Sorry for before. My head is just hurting bad. And if you find any of my stuff here just throw away."
Lisa was irritated, but she got up ,"Here, i guess this is Ananya's phone, give it to her. And apologise!!! Don't mess up things with her, she is a good girl. Just because you are a douche doesn't mean you can say anything to her."
She patted my chest gently. May be hinting at something. But i didn't get what.
I didn't remember a thing from that night. I was too high that night. And apologise to her for what? She is the one who is two timing.
Thinking of her made me agitated. I don't wish to see her i thought.
"Whatever. I am outta here. You two do whatever you planned to."
"The room is a mess. As if we can do something here you moron."

Their cursing became distant.
I called up for my car and stepped outside the hotel.
Her phone!! I remembered. I wanted to check it and get proof of her game. I unlocked it. The battery was about to die.
Wooh!! On the screen the notification popped up. 45 missed calls from Alex.
That bitch!! I almost threw that phone away reading his name when suddenly this jerk John came from nowhere and held me by my collar.
"You son of a bitch. Stay away from her. Do you understand that.?"
First I didn't understand the reason for his aggressiveness but then it became clear and I loosened up.
"Oh so its not just Alex, you are tapping that bitch too??"
And then he punched me hard, Ananya's phone dropped from my hand.
I realised I was bleeding, "You bastard."
I was in no state to blow a punch back and honestly he took me by surprise.
And before I realised anything else guards and people around came to mediate.
I just pushed him hard and moved towards my car.

All this was too much to handle with ny head whirling around.
I will teach him a lesson later but for now I just meed to sleep.
I lighted a joint and by the time I reached my penthouse i was completely out. I dont even remember reaching there.

I was lost in my own thoughts and slept away.

Alex's POV

Its been 4 days now that Ananya is staying at our Mansion. However, she spends most of her time at the hospital.
Mrs.Donavan is still in the ICU, so noone is allowed to go in. Ananya patiently waits outside the room, lost in her own thoughts.

I try to spend as much time as I can around her. But now that I have committed to work with Dad, I am not able to get much time.
Ananya refuses to even acknowledge my presence around her.
Its as if she has gone back in her shell again like she had all those years back.

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