Chapter 36 : Reflection of the Past

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Nathan's POV

I wanted to make some changes to one of the contracts which was due to be renewed in the coming week.
I asked Amelia to accompany me to the office.
She was more than happy to do that. But I regretted my decision within the first 15 mins itself.
Amelia was like all the other girls I have met.
But Ananya was different. Atleast she seemed different. She was good at pretending to be someone she was not.
But how I wished it was all real. I fell in love with her simplicity. And I don't know if I will ever be able to find someone like that again.
I will never be able to trust anyone after what she did to me.

I was thinking about her throughout the drive to the office. Amelia kept talking nonstop, all nonsense. I ignored her.
"Nathan, should we call in Ananya as well? We might get some fun out of it."
Amelia thought this will grab my attention. Rightfully so!
I liked her idea. I looked at her and shook my head in agreement.
I did not want to speak a word, Amelia would have stretched it too far and in turn got me more irritated.

We had been in office for an hour or so when we heard a knock on the door. There was no need to guess who it was as being a weekend no one was expected to be there.
"Come in." Amelia authoritatively spoke.

"Sir, how may I help?" Her voice sounded sad. Why was she sad? Did we disturb a romantic weekend she was having?
I looked at her but words wouldn't come out of my mouth. She sounded upset and she looked sad too.

"Go and get the file for Largton industries first and then go get our regular coffees. Quick!" Amelia had become pretty good at being rude to others. She never missed a chance to redirect it at Ananya and always managed to find ways to trouble her.

Ananya on the other hand never answered back. She never once complained or fought back with Amelia or for that matter even me.

Everything that Amelia was doing to Ananya had started to get on to my nerves.
I hated Ananya. But a part of me still loved her to the core. There wasn't a moment when she was not on my mind. That was one of the reasons I couldn't let her just go. How I wanted it all back.
I wanted all this to stop. May be I was wrong. I wish I was wrong.

"Here. Coffee."
Ananya was back. I didn't realise how long I have been staring outside the window.
Her sweet voice broke my trance. I looked at her and although she was handing me the coffee, her eyes looked out of the window. Her eyes looked red, as if she had cried. I took the coffee and thanked her for it.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw Amelia move in her chair. I realised why that was. I thanked Ananya and that wasn't something that I did these days.
Today I was restless seeing Ananya sad. I was not able to keep my feelings in check.
She was about to leave when Amelia stopped her.
"Ms.Donavan, please arrange the files in the store in proper order. Some boxes accidently fell and the files got mixed up." That smirk on her face clearly meant it was she who messed everything up.

Ananya just shook her head in affirmation and left.
"What did you do that for? Wasn't calling her to work on a weekend enough for you?" I questioned.

"Am I not here too, with you on  a weekend? Why do I think you are going soft on her  today?"
She questioned me in return while sipping on her coffee. Her arrogance angered me more.
I barged out of the cabin, while she sat there cross legged.

I took a deep breath and knew exactly where I wanted to go.

As I entered the room, I saw a carpet of files spread on the floor and a weeping Ananya sitting in the middle trying to sort out the files and arrange them in the boxes.
"So, is it that the work pressure is too much for you to handle and you resorted to shedding tears in office?" I didn't want to show my soft side to her. I feared I might give too much power to her and end up getting hurt again.
Hearing my voice she struggled to jump back up. I gave her a hand which she reluctantly held.
"Sorry Mr.Swornwell. I will get this done quickly. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
She was trying to hide her tear stained face.
I couldn't find words to console her. I was the reason for her misery.
I lifted my hand and was about to place it on her shoulder but she moved back a step. The room was filled with silence.
I knew I had to say something now.
"Ananya. Look I am sorry. I shouldn't have had called you today. Guess you wanted to spend time with your mother. I have been holding you up till late for work. I understand.."

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