Chapter 13 : I trust you

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Ananya's POV

Impatiently i pressed button for the 30th floor. There were a thousand thoughts in my mind. I was trying to understand the reason behind it all.
Why was Nathan there? Did something happen between Nathan and Alex? Why did Mr.Nickson punch Alex? Is Alex ok? Things started to blur in front of my eyes when the lift came to a halt and the door opened.
I couldn't see a soul on the floor. The floor was empty. But i could hear noises from one corner where i assumed were the conference rooms. I ran towards the direction of the voices.
At the farthest corner of the floor i saw some security officials standing and chatting. The moment they saw me they started walking towards me.

I stopped near them and before I could ask anything, the taller guy spoke, "Ma'am you cannot be here at this time. You need to leave."
" But i need to see him. Where is Alex? "

They started moving towards me trying to make me move back and leave.

"Don't you touch me. I am here to see Alex and I will not leave without seeing him."

"Alex! Alex ! Are you here? Are you alright?"
I called on to Alex at the top of my voice.

I saw Mr.Mason come out of the conference room.

" oh Mr.Mason, thank god you are here! I need to see Alex. Where is he? Why have you brought him up here?" I pushed the guards aside and ran towards Mr. Mason.

"Mr.Mason i really need to see him. I think you have some misunderstanding. Let me speak to him once."

He kept looking inside the room and held my hand and took me to a side.
"My dear, this matter is out of my hands now. Mr. Swornwell is looking into it personally. And I can't help you. You need to leave."

" No I won't leave without seeing him. And you can't stop me."
I took him by surprise when i shook his hand away and pushed the conference room door and entered it calling onto Alex.
My eyes were searching for him in there when i spotted him seated at the far end of the table with Mr.Nickson sitting on a chair next to him.
Something was terribly wrong.
Behind me Mr.Mason and the two security officials had entered the room but i moved towards Alex not leaving his gaze for a moment. He was in pain i could see.
Have they hurt him more?
Suddenly from the corner of the room i saw Nathan approaching. He looked different. He was not wearing his glasses. He wore a suit. He never wore that to work.

Wait ! What was he doing here? Mr. Mason was now pulling my hand and screaming in my ears to go out. But all i could see now was Alex sitting there, his lips cut at the side and bleeding. His shirt torn and hair messed up. He looked at me and gave me a broken smile.
I could feel warm tears now flowing down my cheeks.
Mr.Mason let me go when Nathan came towards me and held my face in his hands.
"Hey beautiful! Look at me. Its ok. I will explain to you everything but you have to stop crying."
I never left Alex's gaze, who for some reason now didn't look happy.
Nathan hugged me but i stood there as a life less doll not understanding a thing.

I lifted my hand directing towards Alex , "Alex" i cried those words out of me. He was now restless seeing me cry and tried to get up from his chair and come to me when Mr.Nickson hit him on his face again and pushed him back in the chair pulling him by his collar.

I pulled out of Nathan's embrace with a jerk and moved towards Alex.
" how dare you hit him?"
Nathan, Mr.Mason and those security officers all ran towards me as i held Mr.Nickson by his collar.

" How dare you touch him?"
Alex was calmly looking at Nathan now as if saying something while Nathan was trying to pull me away from Mr.Nickson who was visibly amused by my outburst of anger.
I finally let go off Mr.Nickson and hugged Alex who was now standing to let my agitated self get some space.

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