Chapter 23 - In love

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Ananya's POV

Nathan had dinner with us. He was holding my hand throughout the dinner and his eyes rarely left mine. That tingly feeling made my heart race.
He was so good with Maa. He treated her with respect. That made me more happy because only I knew the place Maa held in ny life.
I never wanted Nathan to leave. But he excused himself saying he had to do some prep work for a meeting.
He left but not before kissing me good bye.
I told him how I wished he could stay. I just wanted to hold him close for a while.
He promised he will call and he left.
Only the thought of him being close to me made me smile. And the entire evening the red never left my cheeks.

Maa was really happy for me. She was more happy to see how happy I was with Nathan.
I talked to her about my apprehension about seeing Alex the next day. But she assured me that everything will be fine.
We cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen.

She kissed me goodnight and blessed me with all her heart. I could see it in her eyes, the love of a mother, the reflection of her happy content heart seeing her child happy.

I entered my room and turned on the lights. I wanted to quickly change into my night dress and get into bed. I knew Nathan would be calling me anytime.
I stood there in front of the closet lost in my thoughts while trying to pick out a PJ and a Tee..
Remembering what had happened that evening i smiled to myself and pulled out the clothes when I felt a pair of hands suddenly grab my waist from behind.
I was startled beyond limits and I pulled away and turned around screaming the hell out of me.
There before me with his finger on his lips was Nathan. Not in my wildest dream did i expect him to crash into my bedroom late at night.
I was shocked as well as Happy to see him there. But then as he tried to calm me down I heard footsteps just outside my bedroom.
I knew it was Maa and she cannot see Nathan here.
My mind had become numb and I could not think of anything else so i pushed Nathan inside the closet and closed the door.
Maa knocked on the door twice before entering.
"My god Ananya. Are you alright?"
She looked worried.
"Yes ofcourse Maa. Why would you ask?"
I tried to be as casual as possible.
I could see the expression on her face change from worried to a mix of concern and confusion.
"You screamed at the top of your voice darling. I thought  something.."
"Oh yeah. That. I saw a ghost."
Oh so silly of me. Ghost is far from being believable.
"No Maa. Sorry. So Silly of me. I know there are no ghosts. I was kidding. I actually saw a rat. Sorry a cockroach. A big one. It went under the bed."
"You sure my dear?"
I faked a smile. I felt guilty of lying to her. This was not a situation i ever imagined to be in. I didn't know what to say or do.
And I know my comebacks to her questions were a disaster.
"Yes Maa. I am sure. It was a roach. Don't you worry. I am perfectly fine."

I stood there pretending to be fine with my left hand resting on the closet door and legs crossed.
She looked at me for a second. Gave me a smile. Then looked at the closet.
"We should really do something about the roach in your room. The big one. Good night my darling."
i didn't move an inch. Maa's smile gave up everything. She knew. She guessed it right.
I loved her so much. She read me like an open book.
She said goodnight and left me standing there against the closet.
Wow!! I am such a bad liar.
Roach!!? Seriously.
Oh my god. The roach. I mean Nathan.
I quickly opened the closet door.
" Are you alright?"

"Oh I have never been so good."
He had this mischievous grin on his face which gave sent out sparks in my body.
I hit him lightly.
" What are you doing here like this?"
"Someone is not happy to see me here!"

"No. I am happy."
I could feel the rush of blood towards my cheeks as he stared into my eyes.
His eyes gave up the naughtiness in his intentions. But i was not the one to give in so easily even when his mere presence in my room made me go week in my knees.
"So now that you are here, tell me what can i do for you?"

Love just happens!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat