Chapter 2: my girl!!

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This chapter is going to be in the point of view of Alex.

Alex's POV

Everytime I saw her, my lips just curved into a smile. In the past two years we had become good friends, best friends you can say. But i never knew how she became more than a friend to me.
I could just stare at her all my life.
Her waist long flowing black hair touching her waist when she walks, made me go crazy. That little strand of hair that dances on her cheeks just tempts me to hold her close and kiss her cheeks.

"Hello? You are late. Its our first day and you plan to get us fired!! Lets get going you moron."
Her voice broke my frenzy.

"Yeah yeah. Come on get in! I will get us in time."

She hit my head with her purse, turned around and hugged Mrs. Donavan, then bent down to touch her feet, some Indian custom to take blessings from elders she used to say.

Like everyday, Ananya turned towards the neighboring house, losing that smile on her face for that moment and then ran towards the car. It was a daily ritual which I could never understand.

"Bye Mrs.Donavan" I screamed once Ananya got into the car and we left for work.

"All the best my darlings!" We could hear Mrs.Donavan shout.

Ananya was searching for something in her purse when I noticed the gold chain around her neck.
" wow! You are shining in that piece of gold. OH Its glow!! I need sunglasses."

Managing just a smile, she finally found what she was looking for. She carefully started putting her hair in a bun. How i hated when she did that, which was most of the time.

"Hey, why did you do that for?"

" Alexxx..coz you decided to get your convertible today!! Want to show off to the girls at work? I don't understand why you even want to work in someone else's company when you are the heir of an empire yourself?!?!"

I just wanted to tell her that she was the sole reason for all my decisions these days. But well I couldn't do that, yet!
"Alex? Drive..eyes on the road. Why do you zone out every now and then?"

I wanted to tell her but never found the courage to. " see, i want to learn how corporate life works. Like from inside. I cannot get that experience while being the boss, so i chose to be an employee."
" Of the rival company?" She laughed out loud. "I am sure your Dad must be thrilled."

I met Ananya at the start of our 1st sem in college. We were in the same class. But she always kept to herself. I became her project partner and that's when we started talking.
She never even smiled then. Let alone laugh!
And the Ananya I was looking at today, beautiful as always and although still struggling to but atleast started enjoying little things in life.

I pulled over as we reached our destination.
We were going to start today our careers as Analysts in the 'oh so hyped' MNC of the country the 'Swornwell corporation'.
" oh boy! I hope i am not making a mistake" I thought.
But then when I looked at Ananya, I forgot everything. I am ok with everything as long as i get to be with my girl.


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