Chapter 35 : Little Birthday Party

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Ananya's POV
In the last few days, I had finally started to feel a little bit myself again.
Even though Maa was not around and the nightmares still woke me up in the middle of the night, Alex's presence around me gave me the strength to keep fighting.
He has been a good friend even when it came at the cost of his sleep and comfort.
I felt guilty when my nightmares not only woke me up but disturbed his sleep as well.
But his adamance to not let me go through it all alone and his subsequent visible discomfort in doing that made me feel helpless.
All I could do was ask him to take one side of my bed, so that he could atleast get a little comfortable sleep.
A bed was far better than a chair.
He hesitated.
Things had definitely changed between us since that evening when he professed his love for me. He became more cautious around me.
But one thing never changed for me.
I still felt safe around him. He may have unintentionally hurt me that one time before when he ignored me completely, but the Alex I knew would never do that to me again.
I had hurt him too. The feeling of loving someone and not getting the same love in return was something I was very well acquainted with.
Alex was my best friend. He was infact my only friend and family now. I loved Alex. Ofcourse I always did. But just not the way he did.
It made me feel guilty sometimes.

It was not all fine at work as well. Nathan and Amelia ensured to make every moment a living hell for me. They made me start early and wait till late. I was made to do their personal errands too.
Getting hot coffee was the first task of my day and if at all the coffee was not hot or as per their taste they would make me run to the coffee shop again.

Amelia failed to accept the fact that it was Nathan who fired her at his own will. She still held a grudge against me. Or may be she just enjoyed tormenting me.

They for sure were having fun in my misery. But as Maa always said, I had to be honest at my job. I did all my duties with dedication.

All this was taking a toll on me, and I kept looking forward to spending time with Maa and Alex more and more.
Alex had no clue of what I was going through at work. He avoided talking about Nathan most of the times, except for a few times when he would pull my legs taking Nathan's name.
To be honest, I liked it that way. Less of Nathan meant less of lying to Alex.

But I was not going to let anything dampen my mood today. It was a bright Sunday morning. Alex was sleeping like a baby, letting out little snores every now and then.
I was beaming with happiness today. I stared at Alex in amusement for a few mins and then quickly got out of bed.
It was Maa's birthday today and I wanted to make it special. It was god's grace that she was still with me.
If asked I could never explain in words the bond I shared with the Donavans. I was one of them now. They protected me. Gave me a home when I was struck by fate in the worst possible way.

I decided to bake a cake, just the way we did when Maa was around. I got freshened up and quickly took a nice shower.
I slipped into a pair of cute little pink shorts and a nice lose white T-shirt with Minnie mouse printed on it.
I blow dried my hair and quickly ran to the kitchen to start on the cake.

A dark chocolate mud cake was on my mind. I started sieving dough when Alex stepped into the kitchen.
"Woah!! What are you upto?" He exclaimed while picking up an apple from the dining table.
"We are going to have a busy day today Mister. You know what day it is. I am going to bake Maa's favourite cake and we are going to have a small party between you, me and Maa at the hospital.
You up for it?" I looked at him with expectant eyes.
"You don't have to look at me with that puppy face. You know I am all in. Tell me what I can do to help." Alex blurted as he ate his apple.
"I didn't cook any breakfast. Can you go pick something up? It would help. And while you are at it, get yellow roses too. And some balloons as well. Run now!!"

I wanted Alex to go out so that I could bake his favourite cake too. The batter was all ready for the pineapple cake and I started on the icing for it. He didn't really like chocolate much.

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