Chapter 51 : The mole

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Alex's POV

"Hey easy there. You have got to take care of yourself. Why do you keep forgetting that?"
I caught Ananya before she hit the ground. She held on to me tightly.
"By the way, what are you doing outside.?"

She gave me a blank expression as if she didn't recognise me up until that moment. Then in that moment when she realised its me a wave of relief could easily be seen on her face.
"Alex? Its you. I am sorry. I thought it was you but then it wasn't you. I didn't know it was him and then I saw you standing there..."

"Relax Ananya. I am not asking you for any explanation. I don't  need one."

"No. I don't want any misunderstanding between us. I swear, I was thinking about you that why you haven't talked to me since that night and then when he tapped on my shoulder I thought it was you and I turned and hugged him. But it wasn't you."

"Sshh.. sshh.. stop panicking sweety."
I looked into her eyes and said "I trust you."
She looked a little relaxed now.

"His father knows."  How does she know that he knows.

"We know that he knows. What did he say to you?"
I was angry. How dare he talk to her?

"He said .."
She hugged me back without even completing her sentence.
"Sweety, you needn't be scared. We are all with you. You want to tell me later?" I tried to calm her down as I vould just feel the wetness of her tears on my shoulders.

"Come lets go in. We will go to our place later and we can talk then."
She followed me like a lost child still clutching onto me.

Once the memorial was over, Father suggested we go with them to the mansion. But I knew Ananya will heal better alone. We also had a doctors appointment to keep for later that day.

I discussed with Dad about how involvement of Swornwell senior can bear consequences on Ananya's life and how scared she was to talk about him.
"Lets up Ananya's security. Men will follow her without her knowing about it. Don't mentio it to her. Set up cameras inside the house too. You two will be staying alone there and that worries me a little. Lets let Maria stay with you, she can take care of the kitchen and handle other tasks as well. I don't want anyone new moving in at this point."
Dad knew Mr.Swornwell, and he wasn't too vocal about it, but he seemed tensed.

Mom was worried too to leave Ananya alone with me.
"Ananya, give me a call any time of the day or even the night if you need anything. And if my son troubles you much know that I am just a call away to come and squeeze his ears off." She kissed us good bye.

Ananya was trying to hide her pain and fear from everyone but the moment we got in the car she clung onto me like a Koala bear.
I gently stroked her head pacifying her.
"What say we watch one of Maa's favourite movies and spend the remaining of the day after we return from the doctors, in bed just talking?"

"Sounds good. You know Alex, he knew I was having twins. He knows Nathan is the father. And.."

"And he threatened me that no matter what happens he will ensure the babies will end up at his house."

He has just got his card marked. No one threatens my wife. I pulled Ananya closer.

"He has love to offer, he will get nothing but love in return. But he twists his ways even a little and I will not let him get a chance to understand what hit him. Don't worry Ananya, nothing will ever happen in your life again without your consent. No one can ever touch you or our babies if you don't want them to. I promise you, I all decision about babies will be in your hand."

The rest of ride back home went in silence. But my mind was far from it. Random thoughts kept buzzing in my mind trying to workout how he knows this for sure that the babies are Nathan's even when Nathan himself denies that.

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