As they cleared the village Quin turned and saw the flames. It wasn't a large village so there shouldn't have been so much smoke...A sickening dread swept over him with the wind on the prairie...FIRE! The warriors had set fire to the dry prairie grass. Jonah pranced nervously as the smell of the smoke reached him.

Quin closed his eyes tightly and sent up a prayer. He'd made it this far, Lord, just a little while longer..."Come home soon, Pa" he again heard little Quin's plea and spurred Jonah with renewed urgency as he searched for Kit. It was growing difficult to see and he was fighting the urge to cough. With enemy hooves thundering all around it was positively terrifying.

Quin found Kit and realized at once they were setting back fires. It was perfect. It would provide cover from the Kiowa and it would protect them from the prairie fire. Without waiting for orders Quin grabbed a few men and sent them to spread the word. Before ten minutes had passed the entire column was clustered in the burn out.

Quin held his good arm over his mouth and wished he hadn't had to use his scarf to plug up the hole in his leg. As miserable as the smoke was, it provided a welcome reprieve from the enemy. The warriors were a hearty lot, virtual demons in battle, but they weren't fireproof. As soon as the fire cleared Carson ordered fighting retreat with artillery to the rear.

Quin was sent to make sure they artillery units were properly protected during their continued retreat across the plains. Thankfully, their long day of battle had put a healthy fear of the howitzer into the Kiowa so that even with their superior numbers they were reluctant to get too close. But this area was wide open with no cover which left them extremely vulnerable.

The exhausting battle continued for two days and if it weren't for the terror-induced adrenaline Quin doubted they could have made it as far as they did. Four days they'd been operating on very little sleep and the high tensions of battle. Meals were bites of hard-tack and jerky taken in the saddle and sleep was virtually unheard of.

For two days they fought their way across the plains. The Kiowa followed them, always advancing and retreating as the howitzers boomed. On the 26th they spent a quiet morning with no attacks as the Kiowa fell back. Quin was relieved to hear bugler sound halt. Sick call followed and he ordered a guard for the artillery units before he rode to the medical officer.

He met up with the young corporal on the way.

"I'm glad to see you made it, Corporal."

"We're not out of the woods yet, Major." he said nodding toward the hill where the Kiowa made themselves plainly visible about two miles off.

"I suppose you're right, corporal." Quin chuckled, "But I'll take my victories when I can get them. I'm still breathing and I still have my hair."

"You have a few extra holes in you though." The corporal chuckled.

"Son, I've got so many battle scars on this old body, what are a few more?"

Bugler sounded officers' call and Quin frowned.

"Looks like this is where we part ways, corporal." Quin turned Jonah to report.

By the end of the day Quin was surprised at the casualties. Two soldiers and one Ute scout dead and twenty five wounded. Quin was among them and found himself relegated to the medical officer pronto. While he waited for his turn with the young corporal, he realized Thanksgiving had come and gone. In fact, that was the day they were at Adobe Walls.

"What is it Major?" the young corporal asked as Quin chuckled.

"Well, I just realized we spent Thanksgiving Day at Adobe Wells."

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora