Chapter 19 - 'Little' Surprises

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"So you wouldn't of even thought of adopting?" George asked.

"Nope. But im glad i did." She patted my head. "And so, the people who told me to get you all said they were people who went to orphanage to orphanage, and then got a random address. Then that night i got you all home and you were in bed, your father checked the mail and we had gotten a note from the same anonymous people. They said some gibberish. But what was strange is that our address was on it, but the name was wrong. We had a feeling these people weren't...well, right. If you know what i mean."

"Drunks?" John asked.

"Yeah...anyways- Paul do you want some Tylenol?" Mum asked me.

"Yes, please." I nodded.

Mariah got up and got some for me. Mum went on with the story.

"But also what got my curiosity was your names."

"Our names?" George asked.

"Yes, George Harrison, John Lennon...and thats where the part comes in."

"Yeah?" George scooted his chair closer, he looked at mum eagerly.

"Now im going to start with the history."

"Ah." John moaned. "Cant we get to the exciting part?"

"Ah, but John this is going to interest you a lot. Because it involves you."


"Not you exactly but, you."

John had a look of confusion on his face. I had to laugh at that. I loved seeing John confused.

"Back in the 1940s, in Liverpool, four boys were born..."

"The four are us right?" George grinned.

"She said that 40s George." John glared at him.

"Well...we could of time traveled!"

"Possibly." Mariah giggled.

"Anyways. The boys' last names were Lennon, McCartney, Harrison, and Starkey, later known as Starr."

"My last name changes?" Richie asked.

"Listen." Mum patted his arm. "These boys aren't you at all. Well, they are you...but anyways."

"Here, John who does this look like?" Mariah asked and handed John her phone. I couldn't see but it was a picture of a person.

"Why, it looks like...Paul!" John looked at me then the picture on the phone.

"Then this." Mariah's thumb slid across the screen, i was now looking at it, along with John.

I gapped at the picture. It was John, but not only John, but the same man i remember from childhood, who saved me. Infact, John looked exactly like him.

"Then this is the Beatles." Mariah showed us another picture. My eyes immediately went to the first face on the dark cover. John's. Then the next one, looked like...this, or we were related to the Beatles?

"So are you saying we're related to them and their still alive?" I asked.

"I think it was...1967, a man, knowing you would break up later, I mean the Beatles that is, did something. Now, i don't know the man, but he wanted the Beatles to be remembered al threw history, and make a reunion possibly. So what he did, and without the Beatles knowing, he did something to clone the boys later on...



"Hurry up Paul, we better get this over with..." John grunted and slipped his coat on. George and Ringo were already heading out to the car. Paul hurried with his shoes and walked out with John. They were driven to the doctors.

The Long and Winding RoadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon