Chapter Fïfty-Fïvë: Blëëdïñg Løvë

Start from the beginning

"So we should probably decide right now." He said stroking her hair. Zoey nuzzled his chest. "Yeah.." She rubbed his chest. "Its only about two and a half months." She added. "We can do that." He nodded. "Totally. Right?" She looked at him. "Don't look at me. You have more self control than me." He snickered. "Not by much." She laughed. "We can do it." He said. "We can do it." She nodded. It already felt like an eternity.

One month later

Jenna was three months pregnant. The boys were on tour as the ladies tagged along. She was just barely showing. Tyler and Jenna only told a few family members. They decided to keep it low key for now especially with the tour. They were gonna announce it soon to the clique and the world. Tyler had been extra paranoid with Jenna lately. He barely let her do anything even though the doctor said most of the things were fine because she wasn't far along. However, Tyler refused. He wouldn't even let her go to the bathroom alone sometimes.

"Jen you okay?" Tyler knocked on the door. "Yes Ty. Baby I'm fine." She sighed. "You sure?" He asked. "Yes. I'm just peeing." She giggled. "Okay. I'll be right outside here on the couch." He nodded. "Okie." She laughed. When Jenna came out Zoey walked by and stopped. "He annoying you yet?" She snickered. "I love him but he won't let me do anything." She sighed with a smile. "He just wants to make sure his ladies are okay." Zoey snickered. "Yeah. Bless him for that." Jenna grinned. "Oh my goodness." Zoey gasped. "What?" Jenna raised a brow. "Jen! You're starting to show!" Zoey whisper yelled. "Really??" She looked at her stomach. "I guess its about time." She smiled. "How far are you?" Zoey asked. "Almost four months." Jenna grinned. "Awee. Are you gonna find out or wait to see the gender?" She asked. "I dunno. I've still gotta talk to Ty about it. I've been kinda avoiding baby talk right now." She bit her lip. "Why?" Zoey questioned. "He's freaking out a lot. About being a dad." She frowned. "That's normal." Zoey giggled. "Yeah but I feel bad. He worries like Josh does." She told her. "Oh Ty." Zoey frowned. "He thinks our child is gonna forget him. That he'll be gone too long when he's on tours. That he's gonna miss everything." Jenna sat down. "But they won't. They have a awesome dad. He won't miss everything." She furrowed her brow. "Good luck explaining that to him. I tried." Jenna sighed. "Hey don't stress. Its bad for momma and the baby. I'll talk to Josh. Have him speak with Tyler, maybe ease his mind." Zoey smiled holding her hand. "Thank you so much. I just don't want him stressing. He's going to be a wonderful father." She smiled. "What do you think it is?" Zoey asked. "I think it could be a girl. I'm not sure." Jenna giggled. "What do you want?" She asked. "I'd be happy with either but I kinda want a girl." She smiled. "And Tyler? A boy?" Zoey asked. "Surprisingly no. He'd be happy with either but he's secretly hoping for a girl." Jenna placed her hand on her stomach. "Daddy's princess." Zoey snickered. "I'm gonna go see what Tyler wants to eat." Jenna got up. "D'you need help?" Tyler got up and saw her from the distance. "Ty baby I'm fine." Jenna kissed him. "Where's Josh?" Zoey asked. "Couch." He pointed.

"Hey baby." He smiled as Zoey sat next to him. For a month they've behaved well. They've kept their make outs pg and they've been happy about it. "I need you to do something for me." Zoey leaned on him as he wrapped his arm around her. "What's up?" He asked. "I need you to talk to Tyler." She whispered. "Why?" He wondered. "Because he's scared. Of the same things you are." She told him. "Oh." He bit his lip. "Jenna tried talking to him but it won't work. Shes worried. That's not good for the three of them." Zoey frowned. "Hey. Don't frown. I'll speak to him." Josh kissed her forehead. "Thank you Spook." She kissed him. "Always Zoreo." He winked.

"Yo Ty! I need to talk to you." Josh put his hands on Tyler's shoulders. "Okay one sec." Tyler nodded. "You need anything while I'm up?" Tyler asked Jenna. "Could you actually hand me my water please?" She asked. "Course baby." Tyler immediately got it and gave it to her. "I'll be right back." He kissed her. Jenna blushed and smiled.

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