His eyes lit up when he saw me, only for his expression to drop when he mentally calculated what's happening. This wasn't the first time.

He walks over to the couch and places a hand on my shoulder, with a reassuring smile. "Yah. A pretty woman shouldn't cry.." I hit him as he says this, making him chuckle.

I knew he was trying to cheer me up with a compliment.

"I'll leave this to you, Kai." Suho says as he stands up, giving me a last look before he leaves. Kai hands me a mug. I take it by its handle before I take a sip.

"Love.. is never going to be easy." He says as he puts his mug down on the coffee table. "There has to be a little bit of struggle. If not, everybody would be in a relationship."

That's true.

"I want to get over him.." I said as I put my mug down as well, hugging one of the throw pillows they had. "You've said this for a long time, Emily." He says as he wraps an arm around my shoulders, bringing me into his chest. I sigh and nod.

He places his chin at the top of my head, as he hums a soft tune. "Distract yourself, Em." He tells me after awhile of a comfortable silence. "Oppa. Do you think I'll ever be able to love again?" I asked as I raised my head to look at him, making his take his chin off my head. "I don't know Em.. Do you think you want to love again?" He asks as he raised his eyebrows. I shrugged.

"You don't have to rush into things Emily.. Everything takes time."

This is why I liked coming to Kai when I had problems. He's very calm and relaxed. Although he can be a little hyper child when he's in the moment. I guess that what we had in common. We could be really quiet and really noisy at the same time. But we always knew how each other felt. I guess that's how this whole best friend thing worked out for both of us.

•• •• •• •• ••

I woke up in my room, the scent of hot chocolate lingered on my body. I sighed and sat up, taking my phone into my hands.

Kai : Take your time. I love you. Take care of yourself please. I'm two doors away. x

I smiled at his little text, replying almost instantly.

Me : Thanks for being here when I need you, Oppa. Sorry for making you stay up till 3 in the morning. I love you too. Have fun at rehearsals today :) x

We were the best friends who said 'I love you.' This wasn't because either of us had had a crush on the other before. It's more of a brotherly-sisterly love.

I sighed and got ready for a whole day of recording with Tae. I changed into denim overalls over a white and red striped shirt. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed my sling bag. I topped the outfit off with black converse. With that, I was out the door.

I was driven to the BTS dorm. Apparently, we had been asked to shoot there for today. The other boys were all alway doing promotions.

Once I got into the dorm, I greeted the crew and put my belongings down at the white table they had by the door. I went over to the kitchen, joining Tae. He had a mission card with him. "Today, we'll be making Carbonara." He says excitedly. I nod, smiling as I looked at he ingredients.

Then we were handed couple aprons. He offered to help me tie mine up and I did the same for him. Everything seemed so natural.

"I'll cut up the onions and the bits of bacon." I say as I went over to the chopping board. The camera took close up angles of me concentrating. I found it a little weird.

I shrugged it off and carried on, cutting up the onions. "Tsk. My eyes." I complained as I used the edge of my palm to rub my eyes. "Aigoo.. Don't worry I got this covered." He says, pointing his index finger up asking for me to wait. He comes back with one of Namjoon Oppa's glasses.

He puts them on me and smiles. "Thank you." I say as I sniffled, carrying on with the onions. "Emily told me not to check up on the noodles so frequently so it can cook." Tae says as the camera goes over to him. "The only reason I did that was because he would expect the noodles to be cooked in 30 seconds." I defended, shaking my head.

He chuckles and nods, agreeing with what I had said. "There may or may not have been a time when I served extremely chewy noodles to her." I rolled my eyes and sighed as I rinsed the knife and cutting board before I began cutting up the bacon.

"Oppa. Heat up a pan for me, add a little oil."

He does as I say, placing a hand over the pan to check if it was hot. He grabs a piece of tissue paper and wipes the sweat on my face. "Aigoo.. Working so hard." I laughed as he said this, pushing him away.

"You can throw in the cut up bacon." I told him. He nods and washes his hands, tossing a few pieces into the pan. Tae lets out a few screams as oil starts to splatter. "Oppa! You didn't dry your hands!" I say with a little laugh as he hides behind me.

I run over and turn the heat down, shaking my head as I washed my hands to toss in the remaining pieces of bacon. Tae clears his throat and smiles at me. I shook my head and pretended to hit him.

"Domestic violence!" Tae complains pointing over to me. "Yah. I'm innocent." I said with a frown as I began cleaning up. "Tae to the rescue. Oppa will help." He says, bringing the things we had used over to the sink where he washed them.

"Don't be fooled everyone. He's only doing this because there are cameras. Usually, he'll just be lazing around." I say as I tossed the remains of the onion into the bin.

"Shh. Don't expose me." Tae says, splattering water in my direction. I laugh as he does this.

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