*BTS And The Type of Lover They Are*

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Jimin: The Giver
- This is the selfless lover who constantly gives in the relationship, usually because they believe they’re not good enough for the relationship or their partner, or they believe they don’t provide enough value to the relationship and try to compensate for it by giving more towards the relationship.

Jin: The Pleaser
- This kind of a lover goes out of their way to please their partner. Call it unconditional love or pleasing love, but just watching their lover smile makes this person happy and fulfilled. They get pleasure out of pleasing their partner, even if it means giving up on something they want or like.

Hoseok: The Drama Seeker
- This kind of a lover wants to experience something new all the time, be it a fight or a romantic getaway. They don’t like comfort or monotony. They’d rather pick a petty fight or do something dramatic than just let the relationship go along its calm course.

V: The Straying Lover
- This kind of a partner gets bored very easily and they always want more. They may seem excited for the first few months of the relationship, but as soon as the infatuation stage passes by, they get distant or boring. And they’d seem more interested in impressing someone else. 

Jungkook: The Overlooker
- This kind of a partner sees your flaws, but they choose to overlook them or put up with them because they don’t want to change anything in the relationship. They’d rather be a punching bag who deals with their partner’s affairs or lack of affection by turning a blind eye to it, rather than confront or walk away from it.

Suga: The Possessive Lover
- The possessive lover may love you a lot, but they have a very hard time trusting you. They constantly feel like everyone else in the world is out to separate the both of you, and every person of the opposite sex is trying to hook up with you. This kind of a partner may love you, but they have a hard time trusting you unconditionally.

RapMon: The Jealous Lover
- The jealous lover may love you a lot, but they always want what you have, or more. If you buy a few new expensive perfumes, your jealous lover would want to buy perfumes too. And if you get promoted at work, your partner may start sulking about how underappreciated they are at work even if they never felt that way before you got your promotion! 

I'm making a new BTS book, it's strictly AmBw imagines. Feel free to request 😊

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