Simple Idiocy

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Whatever was in my head, she was back again, and she really wanted to run towards Darkseid and the Furies. My muscles strained against her, but her own conscience was growing stronger by the minute.

"You brought me here. Here I am stronger," I spoke, but layers of voices and centuries of women spoke through me. "You foolish children."

I shook my head and forced my legs to move in the opposite direction of Darkseid. With my consciousness blinking in and out I headed for the weapon. I understood now. I understood everything. 

The pieces on Earth weren't a replica of the ones here because they were two different objects. Mat must've been fed the wrong information as a failsafe. I could feel the tension in my muscles as I drew closer to the object. The inscription was moving, almost as if it was responding to her. There was a whole new sensation around the pieces, something that I hadn't felt back in Miami. And I knew exactly why.

Maybe they can fade away, but they can always be brought back. 

The weapon was already on Earth. The one I was standing in front of was supposed to bring her back. Apokolips' patron goddess.

So I had to destroy this machine. Whatever it was, I couldn't let another one of Darkseid's plans to work. 

The million thoughts that were racing through my head were now gone. I was locked onto my target, and there wasn't a single thing that could distract me. I blocked out the cries of my teammates, and Dick screaming at me to come back.

I skidded to a stop, placing a few explosives around the structure. My fingers burned every time I touched the metal, and I noticed the glyphics were pulsing, glowing. My vision was blurring from the energy coming off the machine in waves. The woman in my head was growing stronger by the minute, pulling my body away, but I kept fighting.

My body spun around to Darkseid while grabbing my grappling gun. His eyes were glowing, but I knew he would never shoot at me. I was too important.

But I also knew he would get smart and shoot at the Team and the kids, so I moved fast. I aimed and shot, my shoulder socket adjusting as I was pulled into the air. From my other hand, I threw several knives at the Furies and Darkseid.

I heard a shout, proving that one of my knives had made its mark. I swung over and landed in a tuck and roll. My muscles tightened as I prepared to jump through the boom tube, but someone called out to me.

I turned just in time to watch Dick tackle Green Hair to the ground. Where did you come from?!

Just go, the rest of the Team is making their way over to Earth!

I'm not leaving, you idiot.

I stepped next to him in fighting position to fend off the Furies rushing towards us. Of course, I had to deal with them. Sighing, I ducked from the first attack, switching places with Dick and blocking the girl's claws in front of my face.

"Hi," I smiled with as much sarcasm as possible. A deafening sound echoed in my ears as her hands slid off of my staff. She ducked my kick, and my head was barely grazed by her claws.

She was too fast for me to pull any fancy moves. I could only keep up with her. I glanced over at Dick and saw him fairing a little better, but not by much. "Switch?"

"Great idea," I dodged her foot and cartwheeled past Dick. I landed in a crouched position in front of Yellow Lady. I rolled behind her and kicked up to her head. She growled, spinning to face me.

I jumped up and pulled her hair down to the ground as hard as I could. She landed on the ground rather hard. I held my staff to her neck before she could get to her feet. "Stay down."

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