Surprise, Surprise!

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Kristen's Pov

Arkham was probably the epitome of hell on earth. I understood that Gotham weather wasn't fun, but the December air tasted ten times worse in the vicinity of the asylum.

Apparently, Batman had heavy influence here, so Nightwing got us an appointment with the Riddler ASAP. Speaking of ex-boy wonder, he was still sitting in the docking bay of the bio-ship. It was probably a bad idea, but right now, I could not be in any more uncomfortable situations.

"Why is Nightwing staying in the bio-ship, again?" M'gann was right beside me, as the two of us were being escorted to Nygma's holding cell. She gave one look at me and sighed quietly. "You should cut him some slack, you know."

I only shook my head. "That's what you've been telling me from the beginning."

We rounded a corner, and an inmate almost shoved me onto the guard. "I want to, but he's done this more times than the two of us can count. I just figured he would handle his emotions for this mission better than me."

The group of us stopped at a door, and the guards took their places on either side. From across the hall, an inmate growled. Nothing was seen behind those bars except for glowing eyes, it was making me shiver.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" M'gahn shocked me out of my daze.

"No. I need the full in-field experience, right?" I steeled myself and looked at her. Her expression screamed her skepticism. I sighed. "I can handle this one, Miss M. I'll be fine."

Nodding to the guard, I squared my shoulders, brushed off my suit and stepped through the door. Instantly, the echoes of the corridor were muted by the cement walls of the cell. On the left wall was a small cot, and on the right, a sink and a toilet. In the middle, sat a desk and a chair. In that chair sat the Riddler himself.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it. 

"Scarlet. You're new, right?" His voice made me freeze in my spot, but slowly I nodded yes. "Well?"

He was waiting for me. I remembered the way Nightwing handled himself in front of villains and gulped. 

"Don't act clueless in front of me, Nygma. You have another riddle for me."

He only stared.

But I was damned if I was going to leave here without a little bit of a lead to those kids. So I crossed my left foot over my leg, and leaned against the wall by the door. My heart was threatening to beat out of my chest, but I held my ground. 

"Am I right to think so?"

He didn't say a word. I wasn't the type of person to deal with torturing, but I figured I might as well try. If that was the only way I was going to get something out of him, then so be it.

"Who said I had a riddle?" 

I stalked over to him. So far, he was keeping a good posture. That, or I wasn't intimidating enough.

"I have my sources," I said. Soon enough, I was directly in front of him, with my hands on the table. "Here's how this is going to go. I didn't come alone. Batman and Robin are waiting outside. Now, you can either deal with me or deal with them. Your choice."

The lie just rolled off of my tongue. I knew that my newbie status wouldn't affect him, so a little lie wouldn't hurt anyone. Nygma still didn't flinch. There wasn't a single reaction from him.

Swiftly, before he could pull away or cry out, I had his left index finger crushed in my hand, broken in a matter of seconds. He still kept a steeled face, but I did see a little sweat on his temples. I move on to his middle finger, and before I go and bend it backward, he stopped me.

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