Bad Luck and Bad Dreams

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Dick's Pov

It was sickening, the feeling in my gut. I couldn't let myself show an ounce of doubt or anger towards my friends. I miss her, and I can't tell her that. I thought I was prepared for this kind of thing, that experience makes it easier.

It doesn't.

Her absence feels different. It makes me want to kill everything that tried to take her away, but I know I can't. So I stand here, briefing a group of teenagers in order to force composure onto my face.

"On behalf of Artemis and Kaldur, I'm going to brief you all on what's to come," There was a storm going on in my head, but I clasped my hands together. "We have decided to start rotations based off of Kaldur's findings, concerning Manta's pick-up and drop-off points."

"We will start this week in Miami, and then move West from there," I continued.

"What are we going to do about..Scarlet?" Tim spoke up. He was standing in the back, with his arms crossed and his head down. He was the only one that hasn't said Kristen's name since she disappeared a few days ago. He probably felt the most guilty out of everyone.

"We don't have any leads so far, but we're working with Aquaman, and we'll be monitoring any points Kaldur has discovered," He only nodded before stepping out of the mission room. No one stopped him, not even Cassie flew after him. "As for Kristen's mission, we still have to analyze the info they found. Dismissed."

Silently, the Team filed out. As soon as everyone had left, I sighed, running a hand through my hair. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Are you going to be okay?" M'gann was still standing by the entrance. Her short blue cloak hung at the back of her knees. With a look of concern, she walked over to where I was standing.

"I don't know what to do," I replied. M'gann was someone that I could trust. My once steeled posture dissolved instantly.

"You really care about her, don't you? She's something else?" She had a small smile on her face. I nodded, realizing something myself. "I haven't seen you like this in a while."

"And that's supposed to be amusing?" I joked. A corner of my mouth turned up into a smirk.

"Actually, it is," She reached out and gave me a hug. Silently, I returned it. "The Team needs you to be there for them, Dick. We have nobody."

M'gann pulled away and smiled. "Kristen too. If I know one thing's for sure, it's that the both of you need each other. So go get her back, okay?"

I nodded again, this time smiling. M'gann was like a sister to me. She always knew what to say. She left me in the mission room. I turned back to the computer and opened two files. One for the mission three days ago, and one for League ID only.

The twins were my next target. I just had to prove I was right.


Kristen's Pov

There was a fresh cut, just starting to heal on my cheek. There were tears in my suit, exposing my skin to the cold. My mask was shredded to almost nothing. I lifted myself up, completing a push-up. I could barely keep my hair from falling in front of my face.

I was hungry. Meals were scarce here. I didn't even know where here was. I grunted, letting my shaking arms lower me to the ground again. They had beaten me down, hard, but I wouldn't open my mouth. My family was depending on me to get home.

I've lost count how many days I've been here. I think I stopped around the end of the second week. When I first woke up in the cell, I had kept track of the days by the meals they brought me. I got one when I woke up and one before I fell asleep. If it was really breakfast or dinner, I could never tell.

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