Field Trip!

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Kristen's Pov

Kaldur was in shambles. He really was a mess. He wasn't one to show that many emotions but now? He was just mad. Plain furious, and I think it was scaring everyone. 

Especially me.

The six of us stood in a semi-circle surrounding the computer, and Bruce. The trip back to the Hall was very...awkward. Here, waiting for the verdict of the Leaguer in front of us, the group of us weren't exactly comfortable. Unconsciously, I gripped Dick's hand in an attempt to release the tension in my muscles. 

"To start off," Batman began, almost making me want to bolt out the door. "You went in without backup or a plan. You led a team, new to the situation, completely unprepared, and not ready to face the challenge you put in front of them. You should have waited for the League, or at least the rest of the Team."

"With all due respect, Batman," Kaldur looked up from the floor and straight at him. Oh, dear, Bruce squinted. "I had every obligation to go in."

"We don't lead with obligations filled with revenge, Aqualad."

"It was my responsibility to end it before this could have ever started. It was my responsibility to take him down." This was not the leader that I knew before. I squeezed Dick's hand, and he squeezed mine back. 

"That's not how we deal with things here. It was a League job and you should have left it to us."

"If it was so important, I would not have been given the power to follow Manta in the beginning," He was almost yelling now. Something I haven't seen him do ever. He turned in our direction, facing Dick and I. "And you. You should have known how important this was to me."

That was targeted at me, he looked me straight in the eye during that speel. And I couldn't fight him because it was true. "Kal, look I didn't mean-"

"I have no room for excuses, Scarlet."

Dick stepped forward, but I placed my arm in front of him before he did something he would regret. "She did her best, man, back off."

"She obviously did not, considering the circumstances-"

"Kaldur, stop! This is getting out of hand, you're not being yourself right now," Conner stood up to our leader. I gave a small smile of thanks, but I could handle this myself.

"Please, take a deep breath, okay? We will find him, you're just under a lot of pressure," I quietly approached him, like a scared animal.

Kaldur sighed and watched his feet. I stepped forward to try and give a consoling hand, but he brushed me off. Rudely. And then he stalked off and left. We all turned and watched as he walked to the zeta tubes. Right out of the main Hall, his name echoed off the walls.

"I didn't think-" I shook my head, shocked to say the least.

"Kristen it isn't your fault," Dick started, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and rubbing my arm. "You did everything you could."

"I know, I know, I can't believe- I've never seen him like this before," I was watching the zeta tubes as if he was going to come back any second and explain himself. But he didn't.

"Yeah, well, neither have I." 

We both happened to turn and face each other at the same time. The corner of my mouth curved up into a smile a bit, but it felt forced.

Bruce cleared his throat, directing it at us. Dick dropped his arm, and I did my best to focus. "The rest of you, I need a full mission report from both Alpha and Beta by noon tomorrow. Dismissed."

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