Technical Difficulties

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Kristen's Pov

I stood my ground, even though I was well aware of my Team screaming at me to move. In the corner of my eye, I could tell Dick was sprinting in my direction. But I knew he wouldn't make it in time.

The Furies were charging me for a reason. They had to. There was so many of us spread across the open field, so their orders must have come from higher up.

Aka, Darkseid.

I tightened my grip on my staff, shaking out my shoulders and bracing my body for the attack. Keep going, get to the boom tubes and get home.

You are crazy if you think we're going to-

I said go. I didn't bother to look at him. He knew I meant business. The whole team did. They wanted a fight, I was going to give them one. Besides, I'm in need of a little action after all this time.

The first thing that came flying at my face was the spiked chain ball. I deflected it, smiling before running to the fight. With my staff in one hand and my knife in the other, I slid between the front runner's legs. She was in yellow and red and was big enough for me to slip past.

Time slowed down, and I reached out to slice the backs of her knees that were exposed from her armor. A cry sounded from above as I skidded to a stop. I saw a shadow fall over me, and I rolled to the left just as a curved blade came crashing down.

Hopping up to my feet, I caught one of the Furies' claws on my staff and shoved it away. The yellow lady was starting to stand, but I completed a round-house kick to keep her on the ground. She had to be the muscle of the group, so I could not allow her to stay at full strength.

I could roughly sketch out where the four of them stood in a circle around me. The one with white hair had gotten her blade out of the ground, and was ready to hack me in half again. As she brought it down on me, I blocked the sword and kicked her in the stomach, shoving her back a few feet.

I had to improvise and back flip over the spiked ball, and I could tell my knees didn't appreciate that. I dropped and swept out my leg, tripping the girl with the chain. She fell forward and landed on her chin. The other woman, the one with the crazy hairdo was lightning fast. There was no chance I could catch up, so I dodged her and let her run past with a few explosives of mine.

I spun around to face the yellow lady who was very obviously pissed. She growled at me, and I knew I was screwed. Thank God, Bruce taught me a few extra of those pressure points. I jabbed a couple in her legs with my staff, to keep her off her feet.

"You little-" I swung up my leg and knocked her out.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" I contained my laugh, but the moment was brief. I was tackled to the ground by Green Hair, and it took some effort to keep her teeth out of my head.

"Keep her there," The Blade Girl said. "Granny says we need her alive."

Spike Ball kneeled down to look me in the eyes and laughed, "This one's fiery. It's such a shame. You shouldn't have come here, you fool."

Hello? How are we doing on the boom tube thing? I was almost screaming, while I kept my eyes locked on to Spike Ball's. This bitch is starting to get on my nerves.

Hold on, K.

That was Gar's voice. I grimaced a little as Green Hair twisted my body onto my knees with my hands behind my back. There was a small second where I wanted to stop him from coming to my 'rescue', but I could see the Team was slowly making their way to meet Beta on the other side of the soldiers.

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