Custodian Work

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Kristen's Pov

Something shifted behind me, slowly and softly, but it was still there. My mind was barely awake, barely comprehending what was happening, but I opened my eyes anyway. The curtains were still closed, making the shining sun outside dull. 


In front of me, Dick was rushing around, picking up his shirt, socks, and shoes. His watch, which was beeping faintly, hung by his teeth. 

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up. "What's going on?"

When he looked at me, my heart fluttered, and he smiled. "Morning, I got an alert from Kaldur. The Team needs help at Central City."

That got my attention quickly. I stumbled out of bed, unable to untangle my feet from my over sized sweatpants. "What happened? Are they okay? Can I come?"

Dick laughed and headed for the door. "Kaldur called you first, he's lucky I picked up when he contacted me. Meet me in the cave in five."

Of course, Kaldur called me. I'm the one actually on the Team. I had left my watch in the bathroom...on silent.

Rushing to catch up, I just finished putting on my shirt when I reached the end of the hallway. By the entrance of the cave, I was pulling my hair into a ponytail, considering I really couldn't run a brush through it at the moment.

"Come on," Dick had beat me there, typical. He didn't even look in my direction when he threw the helmet backward.

Wait, helmet? Oh, yeah, duh. A helmet for a bike.

Oh, no.

When he realized I wasn't behind him, Dick finally faced me. Ever since I've seen him without his mask, it's gotten hard to talk to him with it on. 

"Hold on. Don't tell me you've never ridden a motorcycle before," He gave me a smug look.

"Would it make you feel better if I didn't?" I squeaked. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the zeta-tube. The bright light knocked my senses a little loose.

After the computer had finished stating our numbers, I could actually see again. We were at a dock, more specifically, a tool shed at a dock. 

"Di-Nightwing, you can't actually believe I'm going to ride a motorcycle with you, right?"

He stopped half way to putting his helmet on and dragging the bike from its 'hiding' spot. 

"What, you don't trust me?" The look on his face made me freeze in my spot. I couldn't concentrate. I didn't say anything, but I gave him and the bike a skeptical look. "Wow, feeling the love."

It was the truth. I've only driven Mal's small blue Toyota. A motorcycle? Forget it. I took two cautious steps towards Dick. He wasn't paying attention to me, but I was actually nervous. I shouldn't have been, since I've ridden on top of a car, but...

"Oh, and you, uh, forgot something," Dick reached for my waist. I was about to pull back when he held up my domino mask. Blush crawled across my face. His fingers brushed my cheek, as he placed the mask carefully over my eyes.

Reluctantly, I swung my leg over the seat behind Dick and wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked at me from the corner of his eye and smirked. 

"Hold on tight."

He revved the engine, pulling the bike onto its back wheel, which ripped a scream from my throat. Automatically, my eyes squeezed shut. If I was going to die, I didn't want to see it. Out of instinct, I tightened my grip around Dick's waist.

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