The Art Of Failing

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Kristen's Pov

"Scarlet?" That sound was very familiar, I just couldn't place it. "Come on, Scarlet, wake up."


At first, I tried to use my voice, but that was a fail and it only came out in a small, minuscule groan. My head was on fire, similar to my last visit to the hospital. I didn't have a concussion again, right? Something shoved my shoulder and I almost fell over on my side.

My hand had shot out to stop the fall, only to bring my other arm with it, which made me collapse despite the effort. "Sorry. Don't move, you'll only make the bruising worse. You've been moving in your sleep for the past hour."

Bruising? Then it all came rushing back. Bane. The children. Artemis, Kaldur, M'gann. Nightwing was talking aloud, so what happened to her? I tried my voice again, this time, it worked enough for communication.

"So we're cuffed here?" My senses began to come back to me. 

First was touch. There was concrete underneath me, and my hands were definitely chained together and I didn't have to look to know that I was badly bruised. Surprisingly, I got my eyes to work. But only for a few seconds. They were light sensitive, which sounded to me a lot like a concussion.

"Yeah. I've messed with Bane enough times that he knows I could escape, so he had my hands duck taped before I was tied up. I can't move my fingers," Oh, how I would love to see the look on his face. Stuck in this almost impossible situation . I smiled at the thought. "Yeah, laugh all you want. Batman would have my head for the amount of time it's taking me to get out of here."

This was the part where I would say something to reassure him, but that seemed like something Batman would do. I adjusted my sitting position, but the pain cutting into my wrist almost made me cry out. 


Slowly, I took in my surroundings. It looked like a regular plain cell to me. There weren't any windows and the whole place seemed scrubbed clean. Nothing in sight to help us out of this. Artemis and M'gann were knocked out beside me, and Nightwing was in the corner with his duck taped hands also taped to the wall above him. I stifled a laugh.

We were all a few inches from each other, but Bane had us tied down to the floor with metal chains around our waists.

The black and blue coloring circled almost to my hands, and the metal cuffs were far from giving in to all the struggling.

Carefully I pulled my arms under my legs and onto my stomach to ease the pain. I had to bite down on my lip, drawing a little blood, to keep my mind distracted. I don't remember whether I had a dream or not. What could make me squirm so much for an hour straight? It worried me how clueless I was about whatever was happening to me.

Be careful. I'm the only thing you've got left.

No! No, no no no! I screamed. Get out of my head!!

I'm not going anywhere. You created me, remember, Krissy?

"Stop!" I screamed. My hands flew to my face to squeeze out his voice. I thought that saving these kids would help. I thought that I was wrong about....him....I thought.....

"Scarlet! What's wrong?" Nightwing struggled against the bonds to try and get to me "Hey, talk to me."

Ever since that day, I was supposed to strike out on my own. On the surface, I figured I was ready to take on allies, and maybe even friends. I was wrong. I've never been more wrong in my life. Why couldn't he leave me alone? Why did he have to haunt my every thought, and decision?

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