That's Boredom For You

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Kristen's Pov

I stood, my right leg perched on the ledge of the building. I was in civilian clothes, a pair of sunglasses rested on top of my head, with dark blue boyfriend jeans, converse, and a white crop top. Crouching over one of Bludhaven's many streets, I watched Artemis and Bart walk past me in civvies, too. We had been trying to follow the fourth lead we had on the Light in the past three months.

Tim didn't want to try Lex Luthor because of his ties with Wayne Enterprises, but he ended up looking into it. In a matter of a few days, we mastered Luthor's schedule. Everywhere the man went for lunch when he got out of work, and when he had a business meeting. Even down to where his assistant Mercy goes.

Mercy never leaves the man's side ever. This time, it was different, and she took a trip here to Bludhaven. To avoid suspicion, every few blocks we switched out trailers, to avoid getting caught. The next turn, I needed to walk out of a building, using the roof entrance. 

Scarlet, go now, she's going to that cafe. Artemis' voice spoke in my head. As quietly as possible, I jumped from building to building.

I knew I couldn't go in there and just do nothing. But I couldn't wait around and think of a plan, or I would loose her again. Grunting, I walked through the doors anyway. The bell rang above me as I looked around.

I'm just going to ask if they saw her walk in.

No, they might know who Mercy is. Stay at a distance, if you don't see her in ten, get out. Dick replied instantly. I have the back entrance covered. I'll let you know if she walks.

A groan left my mouth, and I slumped into a seat, putting in my earbuds. I glanced out the window to watch the three o'clock April sun. Minute by minute, I took inventory of the shop. The bar seats on either wall, the glass case full of sweets. The smell of coffee streaming out from the back kitchen. There was a bathroom in the back next to the cashier, but I couldn't just stare at it.

Nobody's been in or out in the past five minutes. And no one's gone into the bathroom. I stood, pretending to look down at my phone, while slowly walking over to the bathroom.

Heart pounding, my fingers stretched for the door handle and twisted. It was locked. Instead, I tried knocking. She has to be in there.

Scarlet, give me a report. I didn't respond to Artemis. Kristen!

I was completely blowing my cover by taking an empty cup from a nearby table and pressing it to the door. There was no way in hell that I was going to miss this chance. I.. the Team has worked too hard to lose her.

"We have another batch prepped for testing, Sir. We'll have them ready at the rendezvous point." Mercy. Her robotic voice was soft but strong and sure. "Luthor is ready to present his technology, the last shipment of equipment should be coming in from Manta. He says he expects the full agreement."

"Thank you," Who the hell was that? The gravel sound sent shivers down my spine. "Darkseid will be happy to comply."

Oh, gosh. I hope that wasn't who I thought it was. My heart was pounding, and blood was rushing to my head. Quickly, I took my seat, just as Mercy walked out of the bathroom. I followed her movements from the corner of my eyes.

I'm pursuing. She's been in contact with Darkseid. I didn't even bother to ask for permission. I just jumped from my seat, pulling my sunglasses over my eyes, and dashing out the door.

"Mercy!" Her frame was stiff when she turned to face me. Her expression was neutral, but I could almost see the gears working in her head. "I think you need to come with me."

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