Chapter 1

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Everything in this story is  all fictional okay? 

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Hope you like it :D 

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I walked of Asking Alexandria's tour bus. Out to the warmness of the summer. It was sick. Seriously. But I wouldn't complain, after all, I was on Warped Tour. 

I was so excited to be back here. I had been on the tour last year, not officially though. I had sneaked around on the tour and played even though I wasn't aloud to. This time was it for real!

Because I wasn't so famous I didn't have so much money - no money at all actually - but Cameron Liddel from AA and I was old friends back in England and he was kind enough to let me stay on their bus since they were also playing Warped this year. 

It had been hard for me to leave my old sick dad home in England though. Okay, he wasn't that old - 53 - but he was sick. He had a very weak heart and had already been having 3 heart attacks. He had done one heart surgery six months ago for something complicated I didn't know what it was but for some reason, he only got sicker after that surgery. Long story short, it wasn't sure that how long he would live. The doctors said that it could be months or years. No one knew.

He had insisted that I would go though. He wanted me to follow my dream and for that would I be forever thankful. He was the one that made me believe in myself and believe that I could really do this. Yeah, my dad was my idol. 

For my whole life it had only been my dad and I. I didn't know anything about my mother. My dad had once told me that she left when I was only six months old and never said anything more about that. I didn't ask anything more after that either, I could see how sad my dad was about it all. 

But I was fine without a mother in my life. After all, I didn't know what it was to have one so it wasn't something I could miss. 

And you might think now after all this that I'm from England right? Well I'm not. I'm from Florida but my father and I moved to England almost ten years ago, when I was thirteen years because my dad got a new job. I missed America a lot but I loved England also. 

Okay, back to reality. The clock was only eleven am and I wouldn't play until three pm so I decided to walk around and check out some of the band that were playing. I hadn't actually heard so many bands that were playing so I was excited to hear them. This was what I loved about first day of Warped. The beginning of the whole tour. Everyone was still excited about it all and not too irritated of the heat.  I loved the fact that it was so hot though, something complete different from cold England. 

"Amanda! Wait for me!" I could hear Cameron shout behind me. 

I turned around to see Cam running towards me on his long skinny legs.

"Where are you going?" he asked. 

"I don't know. I thought I would check some bands out", I said. 

"Well I know an awesome band that are about to play in twenty minutes and one of the guitarist is super hot", he said and grinned.

"You're talking about yourself aren't you?" 

"Yes I am. Let's go", he said and dragged me away to some stage.

Yeah I don't know the name of the stages, sue me. 

I watched Asking Alexandria's show even though I had heard them so many times before, even before they got famous. 

They had meet and greet after so I decided to continue my little walk around the area. I loved the fact that not everyone here looked at me like I was a freak like people used to. Everywhere I went people saw me, and that I had to thank my very pink hair for. It was the kind of pink that cotton candy was. I loved it but most people didn't, they just thought that it was weird to have as a hair color. Not that I really cared about what other thought about it anyway. 

I was so up in my mind - as usual - that I didn't notice the person who stood in front of me which made me bump into a very hard back and ended up on the ground. 

"Are you alright down there?" a guy said with a chuckle. 

I looked up and met two very brown and beautiful eyes. "Yes, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you", I said and stood up. 

"That's okay, I probably shouldn't stand in the middle of everything like that", the guy said and smiled a wonderful smile. "I'm Brian." 

"Amanda", I said and shook his hand. 

"Gates! Get your fat ass over here we have to go!" a guy yelled.

"I would love to stay and chat but I have to go", Brian said. "Maybe I'll see you around later." 

"Maybe", I said and smiled.

Brian walked over to the guy who had yelled at him. That guy was with three other guys. The guy who had yelled was almost the same height as Brian with brown short hair, hazel green eyes that actually reminded of my eye color a lot and the things that popped out the most, dimples. There was something about that guy though that made me feel like I knew him. Hmm weird. Then there was a very very very tall guy with black hair and light blue eyes. The third guy was really short, probably the same height as me with  blond crazy hair. The last guy was a little taller with black hair and had his septum pierced and snake bites. Well and then there was Brian with brown/black hair and a beanie on that, and his very brown beautiful eyes. I couldn't even explain the hotness of that dude. They all was covered with tattoos on the arms and they all was very muscular. Omnomnomnomonm me likey. 

For some reason I really wanted to talk to the dimples guy. I couldn't get rid with the feeling that I knew him, that I had met him before. I was probably only imagine it but I actually thought that we looked pretty much alike even though I had only seen him for a couple of seconds. He was probably only a visitor on the tour though and I would probably never see him again. 

It was still a couple of hours until it was time for me to play so I decided to go back to AA's bus and talk a little with Cam. 

Matt's POV

Brian was talking to some girl, as usual. He would always have some girl to talk to. Especially when we had to be somewhere else. 

"Gates! Get your fat ass over here we have to go!" I yelled. 

Brian walked back to us and glared at me the entire time. I looked back on the girl he was  talking to. She had crazy pink hair and hazel green eyes. There was something about her though that made me feel like I knew her…

"Dude, that was so scary!" Brian said.

"What?" I asked.

"Amanda", he said and pointed back on the girl who now was walking the other direction. "She's a complete fucking copy of you except from that she's a chick."

"What are you talking about?" 

"Did you see her or what? The same fucking eye color, the same shape of the mouth, the same shape of the nose, the same fucking dimples. Everything." 

"That's not possible dude, are you drunk or something?" I said and laughed a little. "Come on it's time for the concert." 

We walked over to the stage we were playing on. The only thing I could think on when we walked to the stage was Amanda or what her name was. I knew I had to see her again. I had to talk to her. I would probably never see her again though since this was a tour and we would be at some new place tomorrow. 

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