Chapter 32

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Ren's throat closed up

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Ren's throat closed up. His air was cut off for a second time, but it wasn't just because of how close Ashton was. It was the deepening of his voice. The rumble and the hint of deviance that made the arousal flare up in Ren's gut. His stomach quaked and his breath hitched. Ashton's hands were locked onto him and for a second, he wished that he had the guts to turn around and take what he'd been thinking about for a while.

He was afraid though. He couldn't even think it because then it would be too real. He'd be giving in to that dark thing that wanted so much of him that there would be no Ren Cornelli left.

A cat and mouse game. It wasn't just his imagination. That's really what Ashton had said.

Ren grabbed Ashton's wrist. Another second passed and he was frozen with his fingers tightly wound around Ashton's hand. The pad's of his fingers sunk deep into his wrist, not wanting to let go. Even this small amount of touching was too much for Ren's racing heart. He felt he was going to pass out from all the erupting feelings inside of him.

That prolonged second was already burned into his memory. The smell of Ashton, the feel of his body—his warmth, and the tickle of his breath on Ren's neck. He couldn't do this. He needed to get out of there before he did something he deeply regretted.

But his body wasn't moving anymore.

And then—like a switch had been flipped—he came out of it.

He saw the color red not because of his anger. It was the color of lust that flooded his vision. It had taken over him once more and it was a lost of power that flipped his stomach around and around. He pulled out of Ashton's embrace. He leaned over, his hands braced on his slightly bent knees, and he panted. His mind was swirling, all rays of colors and emotions filtering through him.

Ashton placed his hand to Ren's shoulder blade. Ren hunched away. His eyes automatically closing as he grimaced.

Ashton didn't press. His touch was faint, barely felt through the layers of clothes Ren had on, but even still, Ren could feel him all around him. He couldn't escape from the feelings that were hurling from Ashton to him. He was a furnace of emotions. They were dripping off him.

Ren didn't know why it was worse now. It had been fine before. The emotions he felt when the school had been bombarded with protests had been bad, but this felt so much worse. It was like Ashton was right inside of his head. He was screaming through a megaphone and he was only getting louder.

Ashton hesitated. Ren could feel that too. He could feel it like he was the one hesitating and also feel it because it wasn't him. It was confusing all around—like his hand had gone numb and it was him that was actually touching his back.

"Are you sick?"

Ren squeezed his eyes close harder. "It's nothing."

It was a bold-face lie. Ashton must have heard how fake it was. He didn't rough house Ren anymore.

Tip of the Tongue [CMS Bk. 1 - BoyxBoy][Complete/Editing]Where stories live. Discover now