Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

He wasn't thinking at all now. He was just doing. He was hurling himself, jumping at Cipher with his fangs barred, and letting all his reservations go. It was just a second. A piece of time that was so small that it was the past in an instant, but it felt like forever when he was in it.

He just saw Cipher's cocky smirk. Like he couldn't lose. Like he never would.

And then Ren's teeth were sinking into the soft flesh of Cipher's neck.

Cipher screamed out. His knife plunged into Ren's side, but it was nothing more than a pinch. Ren could barely feel it over the rushing of blood into his mouth and the pounding in his head.

He grabbed as much skin as he could between his teeth and thrashed. He ripped the skin from Cipher's neck, blood spraying upon his face. Cipher jerked for a moment. His grip on the knife that was jabbed into Ren's side weakened for a moment.

But when Ren met his eyes, he didn't see what he wanted. Cipher was almost smiling.

"You're a dumb kid," he weakly said. His voice was raspy, blood painted over his lips. His chest heaved as his body fought for another breath.

Ren dropped his hold on Cipher. Cipher fell to the ground, his hand going to his neck. His face turned white and he shivered. Ren's hand grabbed the hilt of the knife.

"Dad!" Darrien ran to Cipher's side. His hand was gripping tight to the gun and he kept glancing back at Ren, but he wasn't totally focused.

Ren stared at the two of them. His head felt clear now. He didn't feel as sick either. He didn't feel much of anything. Yet, this numbness wasn't tough enough to shield him from the intense look of hatred Darrien sent him.

There was something worse than malice of disgust in that look. It was distraught, contempt, and a promise of revenge. And as Cipher held onto Darrien's side though his grip was fading, Ren knew that he'd created an even bigger enemy for himself by getting rid of the first.

"Ren! Ren!"

Margret was pulling him. She grabbed his arm. "We've got to go!"

Her hand still as she saw the double edged blade still halfway inside of him. "Oh my god."

Ren pulled the blade out. He winced.

"Again? How many times are you going to get stabbed or hurt?"

"Shut up," Ren bit out.

He was being yanked again. Margret was steering him away and he caught a glimpse of Ashton's legs. He looked up. Ashton was walking with them.

"More are going to come." Margret's grip was like steal. Ren didn't try to fight it. He didn't want to stay here.

He couldn't stay here. While the police and the Society could have thought he was the killer of the girl before, they had a reason to lock him up now. There was no such thing as self defense when it was a vampire killing someone.

Margret was pulling him in a random direction. Well, it was random to him. She seemed to know where she was going, but Ren couldn't pay attention. He was too aware of Ashton running beside them and not aware enough of his surroundings.

The bloody bodies they passed by were a blur of faces. The Mantels were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they were inside, hiding, or maybe they were running like he, Margret, and Ashton were.

He didn't notice that Margret was actually taking him back inside the Mantel house until they were crossing the entryway.

He was doubly confused when the Mantels didn't look as worried about what had happened like he was feeling on the inside. Kai was the only one that looked slightly uneasy. He was standing behind the couch, his arms stiff at his side. When he saw the three of them walk in, he narrowed his eyes.

Tip of the Tongue [CMS Bk. 1 - BoyxBoy][Complete/Editing]Where stories live. Discover now