Chapter 29

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Ren's jacket got caught on a low hanging branch

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Ren's jacket got caught on a low hanging branch. He cursed under his breath as he was pulled back. The tip of the branch stabbed into his arm and he hissed as the needle like pain pierced him like a hot poker. It was an overreaction—it didn't hurt that much, but it was a reflex. Just the same as saying ow when something actually didn't hurt at all.

Ashton yanked the caught jacket off the branch a little harder than what was necessary. He gave Ren a look that said the next time he decided to be a klutz Ashton was going to skin him alive.

He marched off, giving Ren the chance to breathe. Being around Ashton was worse now. He didn't know how it could have gotten this bad, but he had an idea that it had something to do with the fact that his body had taken an interest in Ashton.

It wasn't his personality. It was his blood and the way he looked. Attraction didn't mean that Ren had to like Ashton for who he was. It just meant that his body didn't know how dangerous it was to want Ashton like that.

It also wasn't ever going to happen. Ren wasn't ever going to let himself take up an offer like that, but also because Ashton hated Ren's guts. Them being together would be like Ashton saying yes to sleeping with a member of the Hunter Society.

A shiver of disgust went through him. His mind tried to picture it.

No. Fuck no.

"Are you done have a fit?" Ashton was standing at the edge of the forest. Beyond the line of trees was a ditch and then a large street that had once been a busy highway. Today, it saw about three or four cars a day. There were large cracks and holes in the cement as it hadn't been taken care of in some time.

Beyond it were deteriorating houses and buildings. From far away, they didn't look all that bad, but Ren already knew that the closer they got, the more details of the abuse would reveal itself. Broken windows, collapsing walls, and the stench of waste would be everywhere.

Ren ignored him. He was staring at the houses. "There's an alley way between those rows of houses. The people on that side aren't as violent. They'll leave us alone."

Ashton furrowed his brows. "People? There's actually people living in this dump?"

He wrinkled his nose in obvious disgust.

Ren shook his head, letting out a soft snort. "Yes. Not everyone lives in mansions as glorious as yours."

He looked both ways as he walked across the wide street.

"I know that. I'm not fucking sheltered!" Ashton was faster on his two long legs. Ren squashed down the annoyance he had about Ashton being the "perfect" image of a vampire.

Ren didn't want anyone to see them. He knew the people here well enough to know that they couldn't keep their mouths shut. Anyone could pull information from them if they were dangling the right thing in front of them.

Tip of the Tongue [CMS Bk. 1 - BoyxBoy][Complete/Editing]Where stories live. Discover now