Chapter 22

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Ren had to think fast

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Ren had to think fast. His ears rang as he watched in slow motion as Ashton pulled his hand out of his pocket. The melodic beat of his own heart was wedged in his throat and in both of his ears. His face was flushed, eyes burning just like his fangs were, and not even the cold air could cut through the heat. He was chained to the ground. His limbs were full of cement and just when he needed to react, he lost all ability to do anything.

Then, he was released. It was like he'd been stung up and then the strings had been cut.

He firmly wrapped his left hand around Ashton's right wrist. He kept it steady with all his strength in case Ashton was actually trying to kill Darrien. He expected some resistance, but when he got nothing, he furrowed his brows. He didn't chance looking at Ashton. He already knew that he would see Ashton's red eyes. Ren hadn't forgotten how he'd felt last night when they'd been so close. He was stronger now, but he could still feel the pull inside of him that was calling for more.

"If you don't mind, we have somewhere to be." Ren dragged Ashton away from the building.

Darrien raised both brows. Ren didn't care if it was rude or that it was suspicious. He needed to get Ashton out of there right the fuck now. They were turning the corner again, heading in the opposite direction of his house, when Ashton yanked his arm away.

"I can fucking walk myself," he spat out.

They hadn't made it that far. Darrien could be right behind them. Instead of arguing like Ren wanted to, he kept on marching, hoping that Ashton would follow him.

When he heard heavy footsteps—ones that sounded more like stomps than steps—some tension left his shoulders. He was still anxious, waiting for Darrien to come running after them. That would be when all hell would break loose. Forget Hell Hounds and his mom being witch, Darrien being attacked by Ashton with Ren there would be the quickest way for the both of them to be killed.

The government was bad enough. He didn't want to find out how bad it was now with the Hunter Society back with their hands in the politicians' pockets.

Ren was out of breath, practically running toward the end of the street. He knew this block. It was going to lead them to the Main Street. He stopped, looked around, and ran a hand through his hair. Ashton was staring at him with that stupid frown on his face. The one that meant that he was a split second from storming off.

It was funny how much Ren knew about Ashton even though they hadn't known each other for long. It wasn't because Ashton wore his emotions on his sleeve or that he was an open book. Ren guessed on some level, they were more alike than they were different. However, their differences set them so apart that they could never get along.

Ren hated Ashton Mantel.

He hated everything about him and more.

Ashton let out a frustrated noise. "Who the fuck was that?"

Tip of the Tongue [CMS Bk. 1 - BoyxBoy][Complete/Editing]Where stories live. Discover now