ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

Mantel wasn't afraid to walk up to her.

He knelt. His knees pressed into the soft and wet soil slowly engulfing her body. Ren watched, unsure where he should stand, unsure what to do with his hands, and unsure if he should being doing anything at all.

Mantel seemed to know what he was doing and Ren had no idea why he was still there. A part of him felt as if he should be questioning everything Mantel was doing. He was confident, unlike Ren, that it frightened Ren more than what happened to the girl. He could understand murder in a sense but confidence in this situation was alien.

Mantel didn't touch her. His eyes roamed over her body, taking in the large gash at her neck, and the bruises along her arms.

Ren couldn't look at her anymore. He was looking everywhere but at her. The forest was spinning, tilting back and forth, and he couldn't concentrate.

"We should call the police," he said. He wasn't sure if Mantel even heard him.

"We can't." Mantel stood and crossed the distance between them. "They're vampire marks."

Ren nodded. He didn't understand why they couldn't. "Then that's more reason to call."

"Listen to what I'm saying. If we call them and they find us with her, they'll convict us of her murder." Mantel looked back at her body. Ren looked on reflex.

His stomach churned.

"What then?" He was shaking. "We can't leave her here."

Mantel was right. No matter how Ren tried to look at the situation, he knew Mantel was right. Montis was small. Vampires were scarce. Though he wanted to believe truth would save him, no one cared about truth when it came to vampires.

One more gone was good enough.

Mantel moved back to her body and before Ren could say a thing, Mantel grabbed her arms and started pulling her toward a muddy area.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Ren ran, not thinking, and pushed him back from her.

Mantel pushed him back. The blood on his hands smeared Ren's shirt and skin. Her blood was on him.

He turned around and puked his stomach empty. There was nothing there, but he gagged until he was seeing black.

He's crazy. He's out of his mind.

Ren felt Mantel's hands on his shoulders. He wanted to move, to get away from his touch, but he was weak. His vision was hazy and he was still reeling from the episode. There was comfort, one that was fucked up, in Mantel's embrace and while Ren hated it, he was grateful Mantel didn't just let him fall.

"We'll bury the body. They won't find her if we do."

"You can't make me," Ren gasped out. "I'm not going to do it."

Mantel's grip tightened around him. He wouldn't let Ren fall, but he wouldn't let go of him either. His voice was clear and next to Ren's ear. "I can't risk you telling."

The break in his voice was pathetic. Ren closed his eyes, shaking though he didn't feel cold.

Everything about this was fucked up. He shouldn't have even been out in the forest. He should have fought harder against the buzzing. But he couldn't change what had already happened.

Mantel had this figured out. He had a plan and Ren didn't.

Mantel let him go and grabbed the girl's arms once again. Ren stood there, blank faced, staring at the leaves and dirt covered in her blood.

Tip of the Tongue [CMS Bk. 1 - BoyxBoy][Complete/Editing]Where stories live. Discover now