Day 18: Lights

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Bucky walks around on the roof, putting up the lights.

"Hey Bucky!" Clint shouts and Bucky slips. Next thing he remembers is waking up in the hospital.

"I told you, you shouldn'tve been on the roof. Now look what's happened," Steve frets.

"Steve, I'm fine," Bucky huffs, rolling his eyes.

"You're hip's broken," Steve answers flatly. "Also your leg."

"That just means you get to take care of me," Bucky argues.

Steve huffs and takes a seat. "This discussion is not finished."

Natasha slinks into the room looking slightly annoyed. "Where's Clint?"

"Finishing up our lights because he felt bad," Steve explains.

"He should feel bad," she huffs. "How are you?" She questions sympathetically.

"Pretty fucking drugged,"Bucky grins.

"Well at least you're not in pain," she smiles softly.

Bucky's allowed to go home a couple weeks later. He's transported in a wheelchair, a lovely fuchsia cast on his broken right leg and extra padding around his broken hip. Steve takes him home and sets him up in bed.

Bucky smiles dopily at him, happy and numb on morphine. Steve smiles a little and tucks him in carefully.

"Get some sleep Buck," he mumbles. Bucky's asleep before Steve even turns off the lights.

   "I'm bored Steve," Bucky whines a week later. He was bored out of his mind.

   Steve rolls his eyes. "Then watch a movie."

   "Meow," Bucky answers.

   It takes a long time for his leg and hip to heal but he survives and they live happily ever after forever and ever and ever.

Stucky OneShots: Seasonal EditionWhere stories live. Discover now