Day 08 - Snow Angels

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Bucky drops down into the snow bank and moves his arms and legs in and out. He gets up and makes another one. Steve looks out the window nearly an hour later to see their yard covered in snow angels.

"Bucky! Come back inside before you catch your death!" He shouts, spotting his lover far away at the other side of the yard, his cheeks and nose bright red. Bucky races over, careful not to step on his snow angels. He launches himself into Steve's arms and Steve spins him around carefully.

"You're freezing," he pulls him into the warm house and helps him out of his wet clothes. Bucky races down down the hall to change into warmer clothes. Steve smiles and starts to make some hot chocolate. Bucky comes out and hugs him.

"So energetic," Steve grins, holding him by his shoulders as he bounces up and down. Bucky nods.

"I made snow angels."

"You did," Steve laughs. He kisses his head gently and shoos him to the fireplace with a mug of hot cocoa. Bucky drinks his hot chocolate and ends up falling asleep next to the fireplace. Steve picks him up and bundles him up in a blanket and carries him to bed.

"Love you baby."

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