Day 25 - Trade Gifts/Donate

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Merry Christmas everybody! If you don't celebrate Christmas then I hope you have a wonderful day anyways! Thank you all so much for reading this book because yesterday it reached 5k reads and that is the most reads I've received on a book so far, so thank you all you lovely people for helping my come this far. I love seeing people's votes and comments. Thank you all so much. I wouldn't be here without you guys. So I hope you have a great holiday and thank you.

   ~ Love spideymanandloki.

Bucky and Steve bought all sorts of gifts and took them downtown to a donation center. They spend the whole day with kids, donating gifts and signing autographs. They head home together and curl up in bed.

"I had a nice day," Bucky yawns.

"Me too," Steve nods.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby boo," Steve smiles warmly.

Stucky OneShots: Seasonal EditionWhere stories live. Discover now