Chapter 15 (For those who can't see)

Start from the beginning

Me: Pfft, you wish. I have quite good company.

Ryan: Stop lying to me, I just bumped into one of your so called 'good company' here at the coffee machine. So other than that pretty blonde friend of yours, I doubt you have company.

Me: Pretty huh? ;)

Ryan: Yeah, pretty. But I kinda have my eyes on a breathtaking person.

A felt a part of me break, I know I kept denying feelings for Ryan but a part of me still broke. I suddenly felt my eyes well up, I quickly look up and blink away those tears.

Ryan: You still there?

Me: Yeah, but I'm kinda tired, I'll ttyl, okay?

Ryan: Sure. :*

I locked my phone and kept it on the table beside me. Closing my eyes, I will the darkness to take me.


"I'm finally off this lumpy bed. Good riddance! And goodbye horrible food." I happily exclaim.

"The food wasn't that bad." Ryan retorts.

"Hospital food isn't the food from the restaurant opposite to the hospital, but the food available in cafe downstairs."

"It's all the same to me. The stuff satisfies my hunger, it's purpose is fulfilled."

I gasp. "How could someone demean food to such low standards? Then you might as well eat raw veggies."

"I don't mind. But without flavor my tastebuds will be useless won't it?"

He thinks he's so smart. "Why is he here anyway?" I ask as I look at Shane, who's packing my stuff.

"Because, he wanted to be there to bring you back. He was sweet enough to do so."

"No, I wanted to see you wince, when they took out the drips." Ryan smirks as justifies his unwanted presence.

"Well I did not wince." I retort back. My mind wanders to the time the nurse came to take out the drips.

"Don't even think of coming close to me you vile creature in white. Stay away." I scream as I cradle my hand. It hurt bloody hell when she touched it. I'm sure she's some sort of demon with venomous fingers, bringing pain to poor victims.

She patiently smiles at me. "Ma'am, you will not be able to go back home with that." 

"I don't give half a grass, I'll just take it back home with me. It isn't going to kill me."

"Actually Mel it will. You see, now that there are no drips left in the bottle air bubbles will get into your blood stream and it'll go to your heart causing cardiac arrest, which could kill you." Shane explains patiently.

These people have a lot of patience putting up with me. But what he said I'm sure is utter bullshit. I'm sure of it. "Before you go around thinking its utter bullshit, I'm sure the nurse will agree with what unjust said." I look to the nurse for confirmation, she nods at me.

"Well I wouldn't want to die." I say sheepishly as I look down at my hands.

"Common Mel, we'll pull through this too." Shane says, as he smiles reassuringly at me. He has a way of getting me to do stuff. I hesitantly extend me hand to the nurse and pull back the minute she touches the needle.

Meanwhile, Ryan is rolling on the ground with laughter. How ridiculous! It wasn't all that funny.

"Okay, let's play yay or nay." Yay or nay was a game we invented, one would tell a situation, activity or person and the other would say yay or nay and give a reason for choosing.

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