Kissed by Chaos (30) - Visions

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Kissed by Chaos

Chapter 30 - Visions

 I glanced up at Raafi once more as I sat crossed my legs and sat down on the elegant mattress. If he had not been there, I would have run from the room without looking back. I had not been joking when I told Raafi I no longer trusted my powers. Mother had said it herself – my magic would react differently to every spell. My greatest fear was that rather than finding Elisabeth and Amira, all I would do was make things worse.

 Raafi gallantly pulled a smile across his face as my eyes met his. Walking towards me, he said, “I trust you, even if you do not trust yourself. Just rid your mind of all your doubts and concentrate on the task ahead.”

 “Easier said than done,” I could not help but mutter.

 Before I knew how to react, Raafi gently pressed his lips against my forehead. Looking into my eyes, he whispered, “Don’t be afraid.”

 I stared back at him, not quite knowing what to say. I tried to calm myself by studying the strange patterns of his eyes, letting myself get lost in them for just a second. It seemed that Raafi had the healing power of a thousand witches put together.

 I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers against my temples, trying to knead out all the anxiousness that was spinning erratically inside my head. I imagined I was a six year old girl once again, crying over the stray rabbit I had caught and lost in the space of two days. Thinking about that rabbit brought a smile to my face even now. It had been my first pet and I had lovingly dubbed it Sir Teeth. When I had woken the next morning to find its makeshift cage empty, I was heartbroken.

 I flat out sprinted the not-so-short distance to Aunt Louise’s house, the cold making each breath burn in my chest. Despite the almost unnaturally low temperature I found my aunt on her knees in front of her cottage, trying to magically force a beautiful lilac coloured flower adapt to the harsh weather. Her silvery blonde hair was fanned out over her shoulders, out loose for once. At the sound of my heavy footsteps, she turned around with a smile. As usual, she knew who her visitor was without even turning around.

 “Good morning Claire,” she greeted happily, completely unfazed by my dramatic entry. “Whatever is the matter?”

 “Sir Teeth,” I gasped, ignoring Aunt Louise’s barely suppressed smile at the name. “He’s gone!”

 “Oh sweetheart,” she cooed sympathetically, drawing me to her. She brushed her fingers through my wildly knotted hair, but even that did nothing to comfort me. “Sir Teeth is an animal, Claire. He belongs out there in the woods with all his friends.”

 I shrugged off her words, though I knew in a corner of my mind that they made sense. My face and temper hot with grief I exclaimed, “Aunt Louise, I know you can find him for me! You can do everything! Please, please bring Sir Teeth back to me.

 With a soft laugh she replied, “I cannot do everything, Claire.”

 “Fine,” I huffed. “But you can find Sir Teeth! I know you can! Why won’t you help me?” I stared up at her with what I hoped were doleful eyes.

 She stared at my face for a few moments. “Well, why don’t you find Sir Teeth yourself?”

 “I cannot! I do not know how!” I cried angrily.

 With that all-knowing smile of hers she said, “But you will know once I teach you.”

 “It is too cold to learn a spell now,” I grumbled, blowing on my hands emphatically.

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