"Yes mom," Amber nodded.

  "That Rapscallion is no longer welcome in my home." The Head Witch proclaimed as she embraced her daughter and stroked the back of her head. "I'm so sorry he hurt you."

  Seth shook his head and turned around. A feeling of envy creeping onto his mind. He didn't like it, and wanted to get as far away from it as possible. Gloria called after him, but Seth got into his car and drove away.

  Seth pulled into his usual spot that was "Reserved for employees" and proceeded to the Department. Though, three men in black leather Jacket stood outside the door talking and laughing. "Today just cannot go my way, can it?" Seth question out loud to himself. He walked up to the three men; one noticed and made a motion with his head. The others followed suit by putting their hands in their pockets and looking at the Spector.

  "Sergeant!" One of them called in a nasally voice. Seth knew this game. "We come in peace" the blond haired man continued to tease.

  "Phantoms never have anything good to say to us." Seth snapped, pulling a cigarette up to his mouth. "What do you want Flip?"

  Flip smirked. "We just came to give you and your boys a little warning. The Phantom Syndicate is tired of being upstaged by you bastards. If you expel another human spirit to hell, you can expect severe repercussions."

  Seth smiled under the bandages. "You, threaten me? I could easily destroy all of you if I had half a mind to." Even though Seth's strength had severely weakened. The average Spector's strength was tenfold that of the average Phantom.

  "It's not Quality of strength in this case good Spector," The now arrogant Flip proclaimed, his voice low and menacing. "It's quantity, from my reports about your men leaving for the 'Battle Front,' we out number you twenty to one."

  Seth shook his head. "Your Commanding officer MIGHT be able to stand up to one of my office workers, if you really want to wage war with us, then I shall take it up with the Witches."

  Flip and his associates let out a laugh. "Dear Sergeant, is that fear I’m sensing from you?" He said as if he were talking to a baby.

  "Don't test me child," Seth said drolly. "You should be grateful to them. If not for them, we would have wiped you off the face of the earth years ago."

  "With out them YOU wouldn't be here." Flip replied crossing his arms. A black tattoo of a circle with all kinds of symbols was on top of his hand. In all the years Seth had dealings with Flip, he had never seen that tattoo before.

  "Touché'" The Spector yawned. "This is on your head Lieutenant cannot be held responsible for what my boys do to yours, should you attack us." Seth shrugged and walked past them up the stairs.

  "Don't worry Sergeant. We won’t challenge the White Witches 'Tauk Lap Dogs.' Flip laughed and his associates with him. Seth stopped at the door and turned around. He saw them laughing, their taunts, and their arrogance. "Tauk." A little voice in his head said. "Tauk" it repeated.

Seth opened his eyes and found all three of them lying on their backs and the streets behind them froze in awe of the three men lying on the ground. Seth looked bewildered, 'what just happened?' he asked himself. He noticed people going back about their lives. Paying no more mind to the passed out men lying on the sidewalk. 

  The Spector walked into the building, ignoring the door man, and burst into the Department. As he walked by, the Spectors working on the Type writers turned their heads in shock, while a few field agents drew small daggers, only to recluse when they saw who it was.

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