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Seth squinted his eyes to confirm it was actually Amber on the ground, after the Spector quickly looked around to find that nobody was around, he quickly walked over to her, and knelt down to check he pulse. The beating blood in her neck showed her to be alive. Seth let out a sigh of relief, as he picked her up and sat her on a nearby bench. "I warned your mother not to let you come here...”

  Seth sat on the bench next to her, looking at her face. Amber didn't appear to be in any pain, as he initially though, but it was a shock to see her on the floor. Though he needed her now, he had a strong compulsion to take her home.

As cold and uncaring as Seth appeared, he was slowly beginning to feel empathy and sympathy. The feelings made Seth shake from anger and frustration, he didn't want to feel, but they were over powering now.

  He felt the bench move as Amber shifted and moaned slightly. Seth looked to find her eyes opening; she sat up and rubbed her head. "Who was that guy?" She asked throwing her legs over the bench. Amber gave a look of shock when she noticed Seth sitting with her.

Amber blushed and regained her composure, a thought crossing her mind that hadn't before; what did he look like?

  "You alright kiddo?" Asked Seth blankly keeping his vision forward,

  Amber took a minute to think about what had just happened then answered. "I'm fine, who was that guy? He had long black hair, and a black beard, when he walked by me, he said something and I collapsed."

  Seth put his finger to his chin, the Priest did this? Why? Did he know she was a Witch? If so, how?

"Did you hear what he said?" Seth asked stroking the cloth on his chin.

  Amber put her hand over her eyes, feeling a strong head ache coming on, "No, he was whispering very softly."

  Standing up, Seth pulled out his cigarettes and lit one. "The Church is a fickle friend." he took a puff and blew out, "you always have to keep your guard up around them." Seth didn't know the intent or reason for what the Priest had done, but he had no proof the Priest was involved.

  Amber rubbed her face and stood up wobbling a bit, "I think I need to go home."

 "There is something I need you to do before you go." Seth replied stretching his arms. "There is a brief case in the conference room; I need you to pick it up for me."

  Amber froze half way through standing up, "You need me to get a brief case?" She questioned moving her hands from her eyes. "Why?"

  Seth bit his lip trying to think if he should tell her the truth or not. He had already been humiliated because he needed her help once, would he allow himself to have that feeling of humiliation again?

  Seth took a sigh, "That Priest came here from the Vatican for me, and he left me a brief case, but..." he hesitated and took a puff to make it seem like he was pausing for dramatic effect.

  “‘But?'" Amber eagerly replied.

  "I cannot touch it." Seth said blankly, a bit of smoke escaping the cloth around his mouth.

  "You can't touch it." Amber said, giving him an 'are you serious' look.

  "Look, you've already humiliated me enough today. So please just get the case and bring it to my office." Seth barked, his visible eye giving a red tint.

  Amber was taken jumped at his tone, but his words are what made her scowl. “I saved YOUR life!" she proclaimed putting her hands up. "YOU are just having an inferiority complex!" Amber barked, a feeling of guilt flowing over her after she spoke her last two words. She took a deep, unwavering breath at the blow she dealt to Seth. Amber wasn't sorry for what she said, but she was sorry about the way it made him felt.

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