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Nate P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a slight head ach but I was going to be fine. I looked at Cas sleep and the story she told me yesterday was still on my mind. My family weren't friends with hers but we lived in the same pack region so we had to know each other. I know from that story she told me that something was wrong with it. James knew something about this and why he doesn't know she's my mate I had to act now. I grabbed my phone looking at the time 6:39 early but that's alright. I call Pam first then I would work my way up.

"Yes, Nate." She said sleepy.

"Do you remember the Hawken family?" I asked her.

"Yeah, they was another pack we lived around when we were kids, why?" She said more awake so my voice got more serious so her beta side would come out.

"I need you to find out everything about that family, I don't care how you get information just get it. Call me tonight and tell me everything you find, Understood?" I said.

"Yes, Alpha." She said hanging up and I smiled, that's my beta.

I looked threw my contacts as I saw Cas moving around in the bed. I walked out not wanting to wake her or let her find out about this just yet. I looked threw my contacts find one of the Alphas here I could talk to.

"Hello?" A cheery voice said to me.

"Hello this is Nate, and you are...Blossom?." I said a the woman laughed.

"Hello Nate, you have my name right, would you like to speck to Calvin?" She asked me.

"No, I wanted to speck with you and how you are kind of a plant." I said.

"Alright, I'm going to guess you have a mate with something special about her." She said making me smile.

"You guessed right but she's not a plant but more like water. I wanted to know as an 8 year old child could her water power been strong?" I asked her and I heard her humming.

"Well I don't think that it could, not a such a young age the other would have died yet. You see our power is passed down from person to person but not quickly. There was someone else that had that power before her and they wouldn't have giving her that power so soon. In fact that person is the one that should teach you how to us it." She said back.

"Thank you Blossom and tell Calvin I said hello." I said giving her my goodbyes and hanging up.

The last call is the one I had to deal with lightly. Me and James are good friends and the fact he never told me about a sister made him a suspect to me. He wanted to keep Cascade away from the family, after she killed her father, if she killed him. I remember when he died but no one ever said it was a murder, or like he killed himself over something  tragic. I got everything I need to say to him so I called.

"Nate! how are you man?" James said happy.

"Tired for the most part, this move is killing me." I said acting normal.

"Yeah, but I bet you found so cute Chicago girls to keep you company." He said laughing.

"Well, to be honest with you I found my mate." I said and he laughed louder.

"Oh shit you found a mate, I never though I would hear you say that. With that said when will I meet this woman? What does she look like?" He asked excited.  

"Oh she is something beautiful, about 5,6, brown skin, think waist, wolf, with killer looks. I let you meet her in about two days. She has been asking all about you and your family, most because, well you know." I said hoping to push him into it.

"Oh yeah, something every family this side of the Mississippi has heard. You're my friend and if she's your mate then I'll tell you man." He said making her excited now.

"No, you don't have to tell me anything, I'll just tell her I don't know." I said to him.

"Starting off a life time with someone shouldn't start off with you lying to her. The short of the story is my father killed himself once he found my younger brother dead.  He was a really strange kid, always playing with water or whatever, we wanted to help him but he took his own life." He said and I smelt the bullshit.

"Oh shit man, I never knew that's what happened." I said and he huffed.

"It was a long time ago and I'm alright now, he wasn't right in the head and neither was my father. Just when you tell her don't make it so graphic." He said laughing and I did the same.

"No, problem man, I'll talk with you soon maybe we can hang out while I'm there." I said before hanging up.

Last call I need to make was going to be the easiest one of all my dad.

"Hello son." My dad said sounding sleepy.

"Dad what can you tell me about the Hawken fathers death." I said quickly.

"Nothing, much happened to him just a heart attack. It was a sad day for us all he was a friend of mine. I think shortly after that his son died from a sickness or something like that, I'm not sure but your friend James told everyone." He said falling a sleep on the phone.

"Alright thanks dad." I said hanging up once I heard him snore.

I stood walking back into the bedroom and looked at Cas still sleeping. Nothing is adding up right, she thinks she killed her father and James told me something different. As of right now I have a murder, a suicide, and a heart attack. I'm sure if I look it up I wont find anything, they made dame sure to keep that out of papers of any kind. I got back into bed with her and she snuggled her head into my chest and I looked out the window.As of right now I know she didn't kill him, or at least not in the way she said.  It was going to start raining soon so we are just going to stay here for today and head home. I want to find out more before we got home.

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