8.Worth It

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Cascade P.O.V

I looked at the shocked look on his face and I felt sick. I don't know why I care what he thinks but I do.

"Why did you kill your father?" He asked a I looked down.

"It's a long story." I said back to him.

I felt his hand touch my back and start to slowly move up and down. I looked up at him making out eyes meet and I felt comfort in that.

"Well have all the time in the world." He said pulling me closer to him.

"Well I have a gift that wasn't looked on to greatly." I said getting nervous.

"Yeah, the water thing." He said shocking me.

"You know about this!" I said standing.

"Yeah, I see you doing it all the time I've just never said anything about it. I wanted you to tell me once you felt ready." He said.

"If I knew you that knew I would been hiding it. You could have just said something and not acted like a annoying child hiding that you knew." I said to him and he laughed.

"Oh please Ms. Aggressive here did hide it from me. I just walked into the kitchen and saw you doing it." He said pulling me to stand in front of him.

"Okay they didn't like that gift of yours, why did you have to kill your father?" He asked turning serious again.

"He was crazy that's why, he hated me so much that he was going to cut off a 11 year olds hands. He was going to castrate me, he though I was the devil and he showed how much he hated me everyday. He made me kill people with my power, he controlled me and when I stood up for myself he would do horrible things to me. I always wanted to kill him but I never did till the night I had to leave. I had three brother one that is older then me and two are younger." I said then looked at him.

"I know two young boys are 17 and 15 but James he always knew about this. Its strange that this is even happening." He said looking at me.

"Why?" I asked walking into the kitchen area and he followed.

"Just finish." He said grabbing a beer.

"I had to kill him before he killed me, he told me how he was going to do it. I put this family is great disappointment, embarrassed the great Alpha. Everything is always about the Alpha, my family never helped me from him because he's the Alpha. Being an Alpha just means you can hurt and fuck over everyone just because you can. If things don't live up to your standers you can just kill people." I said forgetting I was talking to an Alpha.

"What did he try to do to you?" Nate asked sounding annoyed with me.

"Have my hands and feet cut off, the castrate me, then have my head cut off. I was sick and I need to die, just because I was different. I didn't want that to happen, so while I was locked in a room for 72 hour I though. I was going to put a knife in his neck as soon as he walked in I just need to find out how. I always kept a knife in my room that I kept sharp, so when he walked in he grabbed my arm first. Soon as he did I swung down so hard it cut off his hand. He let out a scream but before the guards could come in I used my water to lock the door." I stopped for a moment and looked at Nate.

This story always made me feel like I was a monster but he didn't look that way. He was just drink beer number two and looking at me.

"I locked the door so no one could get in and I looked at the blood on the ground. I felt bad for doing it but when grabbed my neck I knew I was going to die. I was going to stop and when I finally moved my hand I swung hitting him in the neck and digging. I was going to die by and I when I felt the life leave his body I jumped out the window and ran." I said looking at Nate who handed me a beer.

"So you killed him before he killed you." Nate said to himself.

"Yes, more  reason for you to not keep me as your mate. I killed an Alpha and that will start a war with my family, since I'm sure my brother is the Alpha there now. He was shocked to find out that I did that and I know he would kill me if he could. If he knows I'm you that would start a fight with him and your pack. I'm I really worth it?" I said trying to make him understand me.

He looked at me and gave me a smile then moved to me. He stopped in front of me and with his the hand he held his beer he reached for me. His extremely cold hand landed on my cheek and I pushed him away from me making him laugh.

"Listen little annoying woman, you're my mate. I don't like talking to you someone times, this running away from me shit has to stop, and man are you always angry. With all of that being said I still love the hell out of you, and if anyone wants to hurt you they have to fight me. Look at me, I'm amazing to look at, no one wants to fight me. You're worth everything to me, even if I don't tell you that." He said making me giggle and I pushed him back.  

"You're the most big headed man I have every met, you're not amazing to look at." I said and he sat his beer down.

"You're a liar and you know it." He said grabbing me by my waist.

I didn't tell him how much I loved being this close to him but when I looked up I saw his eye color changed. I looked down hoping mine didn't change too but I think they did.

"Sweet heart I sweet those blue eyes, so don't hide the fact you want me just like I want you." He whispered to me.

I wanted to stay but I wasn't ready to do this with him so I moved back. I looked out the window and saw the light shine and the light snow and I wanted to leave.

"Let's go out." I said and he smiled nodding. 

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