Chapter 2-Nightmare

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I gasped awake panicking,tears running down my face. I touched the back of my head to check for a wound,nothing was there at all. I paused slightly thinking about the dream.

I quickly wiped my face and threw the duvet off me. Jumping out the bed, I stood in front of the mirror once again checking for any wounds on me. It was Eloise.

She was hurt and it was bad. I quickly grabbed the closest clothing I could find. I panicked even more remembering her dying and ran down the stairs towards the dinning room where food must have been served whilst putting my arms through the long shirt. I couldn't see where I was going and I didn't know whether it was afternoon or morning. I just knew I need to see Eloise.

A needle like pain shoot up my foot as I made my entrance into the dinning room.

"fudging basket, bloody fricking mother f.. " I screeched as I hopped in to the dinning room. I stubbed my toe on the door frame outside of the dinning room. Go figure.

I slipped my head through the shirt ,I realised the room was full of various pack members and my brothers. I looked around the room to see everyone with blank and confused looks. They must think I'm crazy my hair has come loose around my face, I got tears still streaking on my cheeks and I am half dressed. I looked down at myself realising I was in just a long shirt in front of the male pack members.

Looking up I pulled my shirt down patting it down on my thighs, I could see bubba is about to blow a fuse as he eyed the male pack members eating breakfast. Who wisely then put their heads down and found something interesting on the plate before them.

" I need Eloise bubba" I whispered as the dream started coming back full force. I looked towards the only comfort I knew my brother. I had tears running down my face.

Bubba got up and walked towards me. He looked at my face, I had my bottom lip out and eyes full with tears waiting to follow. He sighed hugging me, his anger melting away. He knew something was wrong with me but didn't ask until I was ready.

"she is on patrol" he whispered in to my hair. But the sickly feeling is still there I don't think its just a dream maybe a sign. I need to go warn her. To check on her.

Once bubba let go, I quietly limped pass the dinning table and out the back door. I ran towards her designated border patrol, forgetting about my own pain. Every female had to patrol in a designated spot so it was easier to protect them. Yeah, I know its sexist and its a pain in the ass but the wolves need reassurance whether you're a mate or a family member. It could get overbearing sometimes.

I could hear bubba screaming for me to come back and not to go out like that. I could feel my body ache.

I slowed down to get my bearings and began looking around, trying to catch her scent.

I tried getting through to her in the pack link in case she finished patrol early. No luck.

My wolf nudged at my skin willing me to change. She began to pace and nudge again.

No, she is around here. I could get hints of her scent around here. She was here or coming this way.

You must be thinking ..idiot link her but as protocol we can't link with anyone but our fellow guards on duty and high rank wolfs. Its for safety reason, no distractions allowed.

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