Chapter 37- Tantrums

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' please, Sophia. Protect him' she nodded and held my hand.
The pain shoot through my lower abdomen. Carter opened the door to my pack doctor. She knew how special my little one is and she was the only one allowed to check me. In case he did something in front of another doctor.

'Please,' I begged as sweat ran down my neck.
She quickly came and pulled the shirt apart.
'You shouldn't be in labour, you got 2 weeks left ' she said panicking.
She held a hand to the top of the bump.
'It's false labour brought on by stress' she glanced up at Carter.
Who looked like he was going to kill me himself.
'It's going to calm down but you need to take deep breaths. Breath through them' she said. As I panted through the pain.
'Move' Carter snapped at Sophia. She didn't move.
'Move' he hissed and then pushed her to the floor.
She landed witha thump.
'SOPHIA' I screamed as another sharp pain shot through my stomach.
The docter checked my pulse.
' breath Valentina' she begged. I gasped in a breath.
' if anything happens to him' he whispered to the docter.
' unbind him Carter, he can stop this ' I shouted through gritted teeth.
He looked at me with confusion.
'He needs to release the pent up stress' I moaned in to the pillow.
' you got to work through this for the both of you. Im not unbinding him' he hissed.
The doctor looked at him with confusion and then me. She didn't know what has happened. She didn't know about the binding.
' Carter, you bound his powers. That's why he is in distress, a magical childs power is like a limb. You have cut of his limb' she said in a horrifed tone.
The pain started to ease but still went through me as tremor. She put her hand to my forehead.
' I rather have him in discomfort then dead. He won't be allowed to live if they knew of his strength. Why do you think mixing of the lines hasn't been allowed?' He questioned her.
She looked at me. She opened the bag she had brought in,getting a small towel out. She started wiping my forhead down.
'It's going to be okay ' she whisperd to me.
I began sobbing at that. I know it won't be okay and he will use Sophia to keep me under control.
' the baby?' I whispered. As a dull tremor went through me. The tears blinding me temporarily.
'He will be fine, he is throwing a tantrum. Did you feel him move?'
I nodded. He was moving alot before the pain.
Carter came over to the docter and pulled her away making her stumble as she tried steadying her self.
' Carter' I whispered. Trying to sit up.
The baby kicked hard. Making me scream.
He pushed me down hard. Making me land back on the bed.
The sharp pains began again.
' I'll have words with him. The mother he is trying to protect' he hissed at us without finishing. He moved the top off my bump properly. Placing his bands on top of my bump.
He began to whisper something. The kicking stopped and the contractions did too.
He slowly lifted his hands of me.
' he is to stubborn, remember Valentine Black. I will ruin your family, i will wipe your whole world off this planet. HE IS MY SON AND MINE ALONE. ANY form of bad influence on him' he threatened me. As I lay there covered in sweat and pain.
' I will help her, Alpha' the doctor said. He looked at her like she was a little bug he wanted to squash.
'Clean her up and make sure this doesn't happen again. She isn't due yet. He needs to be healthy' he said to her. He went towards Sophia and pulled her up by her neck.

' please, carter' I began trying to get up again.
' remember you belong to me and me alone. No bitch can take your place. This friend of yours is your collateral. Your mistakes will leave marks on her body. Her body will satisfy me when you don't' he began smirking as he let the words linger. Letting the meaning sink in. He would do whatever he wants and no one will stop him.
He let Sophia go.
As the doctor started to help me get up. He pushed her away and started to help me up. I looked at Sophia who was hugging herself. She had tears streaming down her face.
Her uncle loved her, he wouldn't have given her up so easily.
I moaned as pain made it's way down my lower half.
' Even in death ill claim you' he pushed my wet hair away from my face as he pulled me into a awkward side hug.
I held on to him, I don't even know why. He never comforted me but to know he was protecting my son. I owed him this much. Only this much. No more then this.
He held on to me tighter as tightened my hold on to him.
He kissed my head and let go.
'You need rest' he whispered smiling. He got up opened the door to the room for the doctor. Who left without a word but her face spoke volumes. She had a look of pity on her face.
' Sophia ' I whispered. He looked at her as if she just appeared.
' she is my guest, remember what I said earlier' he said with a smirk on his face. I pulled the shirt around me as I tried to get up. She looked at me in absolute fear.
' please let her go back. Ask for something else in your blood vow' my voice trembled in fear. He raped me. He got me pregnant on purpose. What if he did the same to Sophia?

He shook his head and pulled her to him by her forearm.
'You behave and she will be safe. I'll pass her over to my beta' he whispered with a malicious smirk on his face. The beta who watched on as he raped me. The one he had a laugh with after I lost my voice begging and screaming.

'Please' Sophia began as he dug his claws into her. She began crying loudly.

- im gonna try to update sooner. Sorry guys.

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