Chapter 12-Painful Mark

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I was numb, but it was from not knowing just what this new life would hold for me- Jamaica Kincaid, Lucy

I panted looking around me.. remembering where I was.
The cut was still bleeding.
How could this be possible. .

Just as I was going to get out the bed, the door slammed open with Carter standing there. He was wearing boxers and nothing else.
His lean body rippled as he walked. I glanced away quickly.

'What has happened .. Valentina .. why did you scream..' he came padding towards the bed, looking around slowly.

I then realised I was sitting up,the sliver must have been cleared from my blood. I looked around to see the drip had been removed from my hand.
I touched the cut again wincing at the pain.
At my wincing Carter turned to look at me.
'What happened, Valentina' he came around the edge of the bed.
I turned away from him.

He can't act like he cares after all that he has done.
He gripped my chin, turning me towards him.

'Don't you dare .. do that again... for the last and final time .. what happened to you' he hissed at me.

I pulled his hand away from my face.

'You have n-o right. .to as--sk me that. ' I stuttered out at him. The fear of disobeying him and punishment had me stuttering.No alpha will disrespect go.

The look on his face told me.. that was a mistake.

A big mistake.

I didn't see it coming. One moment I was trying to stare him down. The next,I just felt a searing pain across my cheek making me forget about the cut on my neck as my head hit the headboard of the bed.
I gasped in pain, crying out.

'Your my mate ' he hissed.
I began to cry, no one has ever slapped me.
He pushed my chin up revealing the cut.
I looked up at him. He knew what happened without me even telling him and he wasn't happy about it at all. The spark warmed my skin up around my chin.Letting go of my chin.
He zoned out mind linking someone.

I wiped my face with the back of my hands, moving away from him.

He walked towards the bottom of the bed. Furious at the response he was getting.
'I will deal with him' he snapped out to someone. As his back turned slowly towards me.
I tried running towards the door because of the weakness, I fell face first to the floor. He turned towards me as he cut the call. He had a vicious smirk on his face.

I faced him as he stalked towards me slowly.

'why are you doing this' I sobbed at him, my heart feeling heavy.
I tried to crawl backwards.

The more I fight the more stuck I get. My strength is nothing against a alpha male. The more I fight and run the more he holds on to me.

'I will fight until my last breath and you know that so WHHHHY' I screamed at Carter.
I stumbled on to my feet. I tried to head for the door but I was so scared and weak from the sliver I didn't get far again.

I fell to my knees,screaming my pain for the world to hear putting my hands on the side of my head.

'I hate you so much' I whispered to him when he pulled me in a jerking movement upwards. His hand tugging at my hair hard.My skin burned at his touch.

' Hate me, all you f*cking want but that doesn't change what I want. I will f*ck you until your swollen with my pup. I will make you suffer until you submit to me. I will f*cking break you. That mother f*cking mark on your neck will say I have all the rights in the world. At least in our world, actually f*ck that, in every f*cking world' he shouted at me making me whimper.

He dragged me to the bed and pushed me on to the bed so hard that I was knocked out of breath. I scrambled up to a sitting position.

' Accept it' he hissed at me. He began to walk away.

I began to try again when he slowly turned towards me, making me freeze, I knew .. The anger in his face made me freeze but I knew I had to get to the bathroom. I tried getting of the bed as he gripped my foot, pulling me towards him.

I began to kick his hand, trying to hold on to something.
'No Carter stoooopp' I shouted the fear in my voice evident.. Trying to kick at him and find a hold. I was laying on the bed instead of sitting on it.

He got on to the bed .. letting go of my foot. He quickly got a hold of my arms pinning them above my head.

Everywhere his skin touched my skin there was a uncomfortable staticy burning sensation.
He then put his knees on the sides of my thighs holding my legs still.

'Don't do this. ..' I whispered at him .. crying. I began to wriggle underneath him.
'I wouldn't do that if I were you' he smirked at me making me cry more. There was hard look on his face.

'I didn't know that you was so desperate for me to mark you' He began saying lustfully. I froze and began to breath heavily.

He began to slowly bring his face towards mine.
I shook my head trying to free my hands .. He just tighten his hands, the sparks intensifying. I knew I was going to have bruises.

I closed my eyes.. as I felt his breath on my lips.
'So shy.. will I be your first.. ' he whispered against my lips. Putting a fear so strong in to me that I had a hard time breathing. I wanted my mate to be my first.
I began to cry and beg.

'Shush,I am going to mark you, mi amour.I have to.' He whispered in to my ear as I turned my face to the side. He kissed my jaw line, making me struggle more underneath him. His lips were warm and soft moving towards my neck leaving a trail of sparks. He lift his head. He stared at me.

I can see pure lust in his eyes, the determination to succeed in what he was trying to do.

'I wanted to' he whispered. He shook his head.

Sighing. He out more weight on me, nearly suffocating. I was gasping loudly for air as tightened his hold on me.

'Please don't do this to me.. I'm not your mate, your going to mark me ..please..' I began begging him, trying to appeal to his good side.
Crying harder. Ignoring me .. he carried on kissing down my neck where the cut was. The sparks followed his lips.
He licked the spot, healing it. He carried on kissing until he reached the spot where my mark was meant to be.
'I'm your mate .. don't forget.. whenever you look in the mirror.. you will see my mark and remember who you belong to' he whispered against my neck.

I struggled more and began begging him.
'Carter please noo' I screamed as he bit in to my neck. My body started going slack.
The pain was so bad. It felt like my skin was being ripped of my neck. I began gasping like a fish out of water.

His body pressed more in to me, urging him to mate with me.

I tried speaking but I couldn't. My body was in shock.

He looked at me with pride. I stared at him with tears in my eyes. I was numb, I couldn't cry no more.

There was blood all over his mouth and chin. He bought his mouth down on mine.. making me taste my own blood and the letting go of my arms.

I was in shock as he kissed me harder. Finishing the mating kiss. He licked the wound on my neck from his mark.

Leaving the mark behind on my neck.
I had always wondered what design mine would be ever since Eloise got hers.
Now I don't want to see it.

He finished the marking by kissing the mark. This mark was connecting me to him now. Anyone who looked at me would know.. who he was. That brought me out my shock.. making me wail.
All I can hear was cheering and howling as the pack members celebrated the marking.
He kissed me on my cheek hard.

'There's still the mating but I'll leave that till later' he leaned his forehead against mine. Kissing my nose as he held his body above me.

' now.. no one can take you.. from me.' he whispered as he slowly got of me. I curled in to a foetal position. The door slammed shut as he left.

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