Chapter 1-Hunted

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I couldn't sleep at all tonight the foreboding feeling was a intense ache in my gut.The gut feeling has always helped me out of shit situations.

The icky feeling has got me all kinds of anxious.

I took deep breaths to ease the ache. Then counted to ten and breathed again.

Normally a shower or bath soothes me enough that I can fall eventually a sleep but that hasn't even helped.Nothing is working . I stared at my roof which had the night sky painted in detail.

When you have bad nightmares that could be rated 18 if they were ever made into movies. Insomnia was a welcomed gift.

Lately I haven't had any bad dreams, it has been the opposite,the sweetest actually.

I shuffled of the bed towards the desk.
Reaching for the phone, I caught a glance in the vanity mirror on the opposite side, I stared at my reflection. The eye bags are surely making their way back. They were a constant friend in the past. A unwanted one.

My eyes were chocolate hazel brown and my skin was pale once again the unhealthy kind. My brunette brown hair was up in a messy bun. I looked a mess. I slowly rubbed my cheeks to get some colour back in to my face.

The only good feature on my face was my lips, they were a bright red colour.I sighed. Running my hands across my face in frustration.

I quickly opened the window to let the cold air come in. It was already morning,the sky was a bright orange. The stars had lost their sparkle but you could see their outline.

This was going to be a long day. Stripping to my underwear I got into bed after doing a quick mental check that came up blank.

My brain was in overdrive making a fuss about nothing. I quickly got out of bed,checking the door was locked.

My family had no sense of privacy when it came to me. My mom once walked into the bathroom when I was having a shower without knocking,I forgot to lock the door to my room. Her excuse was I have given birth to you,I have seen it all.

I jumped into bed wincing at the noise it made whilst burrowing in to the duvet. I looked through the phones music list.

Once I was seven years old my momma told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
Once I was seven years old

It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure

Once I was eleven years old my daddy told me
Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely
Once I was eleven year..

The song had me out like a light. I couldn't keep my eyes open even if i wanted.

I had the feeling I was falling, my heart dropped to my stomach.

I rubbed my eyes open to see Eloise staring at a shadowy figure with tears running down her cheeks. Did I sleep walk... what is happening ?

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