Chapter 15- Sienna

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Sometimes a kind word is a big encouragement.
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The shift of the realm was scary. It felt like you was in a earthquake.
As soon as the realm finished moving, I was dragged out the room by my upper arm. He slammed me against the wall. Knocking the breath out of me.

'Your going to see what happens when you don't listen to me' he hissed in my face. His fingers tightened around my arms.. dragging me towards the long corridor.

'Your hurting me' I hissed at him. Trying to pull his hand of me.
He didn't answer me instead he held on to me tightly ,dragging me behind him.
The warrior's followed behind us.
Trying to stay quite but their warrior armour was making a chuck chuck sound.That rang out in the corridors.

He turned a corner heading towards another corridor.

He stopped making me ..walk into his side.He didnt even flinch.

I tried pulling away once again but he tightened his hold. There was going to be a big bruise.

'Sienna, come out' he shouted. Out of nowhere a gush of wind hit us.

'Sienna, ' he hissed out again.

A girl appeared in front of us.After mock bowing, she looked up at us.

'Yes, brother' she chuckled. She was a replica of Carter in looks. She had long silky black hair with a tint of blue. The brightest blue eyes and rosey pink lips.

Her hair was plaited on her temple and the rest was left open. She had a beautiful of the shoulder dress or gown on. Her dress was matched with tear drop earrings and necklace. I quickly reached for mine. But I knee it wouldn't be there. It was with Kai.

She had a mischievous glint in her eyes. The one Elosie used to get before starting a prank war.
She slanted her head and looked behind us at the guards.
'Hello boys' winking at them.

Then she noticed Carters hand on my arm.
'What are you doing to my sister in law' she batted her eyelashes at us.
She was totally up to something.

'I don't need to answer to you. Go back to the main hall and stay there' he hissed at her.
Tightening his hold on my arm once again. He dragged me along with him a few steps when we heard Sienna tutting. I dug my nails in to his hand but got no reaction.
He stopped clearly he was getting more angry at both me and his sister.

'What now' he hissed at her.
she skipped towards us.
'You haven't gone through the mating ceremony and your taking her to your room. Thats forbidden. ' she sang the word forbidden to him.

He hissed at her .. literally hissed at her..

'Mind your own fucking business Sienna' he shouted at her.
He was taking me to his room.
He couldn't mate with me. She was right. It was one of sacred laws.
He turned just before sienna shouted.

'I am so telling the rents.. your violating the law and your mate' she sang.

Carter was fuming but he chose to ignore her.
He dragged me along with him.
I began to whimper in pain and fear.
He stopped in front of a door at the end of the corridor.

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