Chapter 18- Bitter Truth

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A mothers love is constant- Unknown



The pain in my arm was so intense I screamed. Grabbing at his hand. I turned sharply at Carter, hissing at him. My stupid dress swirled at me feet, making me trip.

'Are you fucking kidding me?!' He screamed at Kai and me. His wolf was on the surface, his eyes were shifting back and forth. His body taut ready to attack.

'Leave her, Carter. She has mistaken me for my brother' he replied bored. I turned in shock to look at him again. From head to toe he looked exactly like kai even the hair style.

He put his hand out to the waiter walking by with a empty tray.
He clicked his fingers. The waiter turned the sliver tray flat in front of his face. He began to reshape his eye brows.

The music had stopped and the crowd was silently listening to us or was they I couldn't even tell they seemed frozen.

I turned once again to the man claiming to be Kai's twin brother.

'Your lying, kai' I whispered. The tears in my eyes blinded me once again.

'I promise ill go on every date you ever asked me. Just take me away from here' I shouted at him. The tears fell down my cheeks. The mascara started stinging my eyes.

Kai couldn't have a twin brother. He would have told me. He told me useless things all the time but couldn't tell me if he had a twin. Especially that his twin was on the bad side. Carter's side.

Before any one can respond again, the old lady Carter was talking to came forward.
"See, what I have to deal with repeatedly" he hissed at the old lady in a low whisper. Pulling me to his side. I squeezed his hand to stop him from adding pressure.

My attention was still on Kai or the person claiming to be his twin. His hair the same brown colour was combed over just like Kais would be.

Carter yanked my arm once again puling me into his body. I finally glanced at the old lady who was talking to Carter. She seemed so familiar.

The old lady raised her hand making me, flinch. I closed my eyes, waiting for the slap to come but instead she wiped the tears coming down my cheeks. There was so much warmth in her touch that it made me cry even more then I was before.

I opened my eyes to see her kind eyes, welling up with tears once again.

She must be a empath or she knew who I was.

'Child I foretold these events to your mother but she never listened to me' she mind-linked me which itself was really rare to do. Only the chosen few had this gift beside the alpha.

That means your truly gifted or you have transferred the gift from a another being. Both meant she was dangerous to me.

"I am going to show you the prophecy, I had given to your mother and father. May the emperor and the empress of the moon bless, their souls and give them peace' She said with a kind smile.

She has got the wrong girl, my parents would have mentioned this to me.

Carter let go of my arm and let the old lady hold my hand's.

I let her forgetting the pain I was in.
Her smooth hands, held on to mine.

"Close your eyes, child"

I did as she asked. Closing my eyes bought me relief that I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt safe with her and that shouldn't have been possible.

My body collapsed in to the vision.

I landed in front a woman and man, shuffling back quickly to avoid them. I was stunned at the couple in front of me. Their faces were a blur.

I put a hand to the woman's face but it went straight through.

Looking closely at the man, his face began to pixel it self more.

I looked at them more closely. I could see they were mated.. by just the way they held each others hands. But the mark on her neck gave it away as well. She had wore her braid to once side, proudly showing of her mark. My hand went to my mark unconsciously.

Even the mate mark was blurred.

The woman sitting in front of me , she quickly grabbed the mans hand putting it to her belly.
I looked down at her stomach. She was clearly heavily pregnant.

I closed my eyes tightly. Sobbing, when the old lady snapped her fingers in my face.

'Focus' she whispered to me.
I whimpered at the pain in my heart. But nodded.

My mother suddenly looked my way.
Then looked back to the old lady.

'Can you please tell me my daughters future' she smiled holding on to her mates hands tightly in anticipation. The blur cleared a little bit to show basic features but not enough to tell me who it was.

Her mate just nodded in response to her.
The old lady smiled.
'I need to feel your bump'
she moved her hand towards the round bump. The moment she touched the bump, her eyes glossed over and her smile turned it a grimace.

A daughter of wicca and lycan will bring the world to a halt.

Her mate will be her saving grace but she shall not know him as a mate.

She will fight to bring her child to the world.

Her child will be adored but hatred will be in bedded in every kind word.

His obsession will lead to death and pain.

The woman and her mate gasped in horror. She started crying, and her mate held her to his chest.

'Please tell me to do something to prevent this .. help me please,' the woman whispered after each sob.

The old lady stared at her bump.

'Make sure she is safe and well looked after. She will change the world as we know it, and so will her child. She won't be safe anywhere,' she whispered to the woman.

'She will be until he sees her' she gasped her glazed eyes staring into the distance.
The woman started sobbing out loud.
'She will go through a period of suffering, and she will lose a lot. Wherever she goes, she will bring suffering and chaos,' the old lady said sadly to my parents.

I started crying in pain for my parents. I was responsible for my parents' heartache.

I wasn't getting away from this hell with Carter anytime soon. Maybe I deserved the hell I was going through.


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