Chapter 16-part 1

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you're alright? Do you want to go home? I'll fetch the children and..."

"No." she answered more sharply than she intended. "I mean yes, I'm fine." She smiled at him warmly accepting the friendship of a man that had known Jeremy so well in his last days...a man that had called him friend and a man that she was certain would have died for Jeremy to live.

"Alright. If you say so." He shook his head at her stubbornness. "Perhaps fresh air might help you get your color back."

"Yes." She agreed. "I think a little fresh air is what I need."

Bo dug in his pocket and tossed more than enough coin on the table and followed her out to the boardwalk.

"Bo, I have one other concern."

"What is it? I will allay your fears if I can."

"Well, it's rather difficult to talk about but with the war going on it is rather important."

"I fought for the Confederacy and your husband is off fighting for the Union. You need to know where my allegiance lies."

"I need to know that I can trust you if I am to let you remain. If the southern supporters try to raid our ranch again, I need to know I can count on every man. I know that Fort Fillmore fell without a shot fired because it was routed from within. I can't let that happen to my family."

"You have my word. I will defend the Arrow Q and every man on it with my life."

"Even if it's southerners attacking us?"

"A man will always fight to protect his home and his family. To come against my home or my family makes you my enemy no matter what color your uniform is. It's as simple as that for me."

"But you fought for the confederacy."

"Because at the time it was best for my family. I know what you're thinking though. Do I wish my nephew could be raised in the family home back in Georgia? Do I wish he could enjoy the same idyllic life I had growing up as a boy on that land, the way my father and his father before him did? Of course I do."

"I see."

"No. I'm afraid you don't. Not entirely."

"Yes. Actually, I do." She smiled. "I am from a wealthy family in the North. My father has considerable influence both politically and financially. I enjoyed a rather nice life but that life is lost to me now."

"No it isn't. You can always go back home."

"So could you. But it's not the same anymore, is it? It's changed. We're changed. What we want for our children is something different. We want something better for our children."

She stopped and looked up at him sternly. He returned her gaze with a questioning one of his own.

"Can you accept the idea of your nephew being raised by Yankees?"

"Jeremy was born a Yankee and he was the best man I've ever known. I always thought maybe Jeremy was exaggerating when he talked about this place but now that I've met you all, I know he was right. You're honest and loyal and God-fearing and you run the Arrow Q with fairness and integrity. Yankee or no, I'd be proud to be part of it...if you'll have us."

"You and Little Quin are welcome in my home regardless of your sister's behavior. And as for her scheme of getting rich...well she's welcome to pursue it..."

"But?" he smiled at her as they reached the store.

"But it's not my place to say." She shook her head. "Let's get this list to Mr. Fruedenthal and then we can take the children for some lunch. I'm sure that Ethel has had enough of them by now." She laughed lightly. "Besides, I'm beginning to wish I'd eaten that pie."

"Feeling hungry then?" he asked.

"Always!" she laughed as he held open the door to the mercantile for her.

"Mrs. McClintock!" Mr. Fruedenthal called as he looked up when the bell rang. "Is everything alright out at the ranch? How is your husband? And the children? Will they be wanting stick candies today? Oh, listen to me...come in and sit down while I get your list. Can I get you something to drink?"

"It's always nice to see you too, Mr. Fruedenthal." Vicky laughed at his barrage of questions. "And I'd be happy to chat while you fill my list. This is Mr. Alexander. He's staying at the Arrow Q for a spell."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Bo smiled offering his hand.

"Another REB!" Mr. Fruedenthal frowned.

"Now stop that." Vicky scolded playfully. "Bo is family. You will treat him thusly."

"I thought your family came from Boston way."

"Mine do. Bo is Jeremy's kin."

"I didn't know as he had any kin." Mr. Fruedenthal frowned.

"You'll have to excuse Mr. Fruedenthal." Vicky said to Bo, "He's a little mistrustful of southerners. Especially after they tried to hang him."

"Well," Bo said reaching for his throat. "That's understandable."

"Jeremy married Bo's sister about a year back." Vicky explained.

"I didn't figure he'd marry again after his Elizabeth passed."

It still startled Vicky when folks accepted that story.

"Well, his widow is mighty glad he changed his mind." Vicky smiled. "And I reckon his son is too."

"Son? Well that's good then." Mr. Fruedenthal nodded. "Mr. Kelley always did love them young'uns of yours. It's just too bad he had to go and get himself kilt that way. He was a good man, that one."

"Yes, he was." Bo agreed as he offered his hand and smiled broadly when Mr. Fruedenthal accepted it with a hearty shake.


"Mama!" the shouts from three little faces greeted her making her heart swell bigger than her belly.

"Babies!" she laughed as they crashed into her legs hugging her.

Bo grabbed her elbow as she swayed precariously and she smiled her thanks.

"Vicky!" Ethel smiled stepping forward for her hug a moment before Katie claimed the same.

"That dress looks lovely on you lass." Katie smiled.

"Thank you Katie. It is a lovely dress. I just wish I had the energy to dress up and go out more."

"Are you working too much then?" Katie frowned. "I told Eddie I should—"

"No Katie." Vicky quickly reassured her. "I'm not working too hard at all. Reuben's always minding the children and Louie has a man assigned to house-duty every day."

"And your company?"

"Oh!" Vicky shook her head as her cheeks flushed. "I forgot my manners. Katie, Esther, this is Mr. Alexander. He's staying at the Arrow Q with his sister for a spell."

"I know who he is. He came here asking how to get to the Arrow Q." Katie frowned.

"When we didn't hear you shot him or sent him packing we figured he must have been alright." Esther laughed elbowing Katie and getting a chuckle.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now