20 - Ignorance Isn't Bliss

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"Amor vincit omnia"


"Love conquers all"



It was the morning after the night before so to say. After the Hempsteds meeting my three idiot roommates we all awkwardly went for some of grannies cooking with her of course embarrassing me even more if that was possible. What was making this whole thing worse was that I still hadn't spoken to Zach, over a month and he must have some questions I mean I did just randomly drop out of school without attending graduation.

Although I must admit I'm very content with never breaching that subject with him. I certainly wasn't even going to try with the final plan so close. I had done something to push the gangs fully over the edge and there was no way I was coming back from that. My morning started off as usual by fist-fighting with Vi in the training room. I've been determined for a while to get better than him at it in exchange I would help him with guns. Just as Vi swings his leg into my ribs, the door to the room opens as I go crashing towards the ground. I groan as I spread out on the floor clutching my side swiping my foot out bringing Vi's smirking ass down beside me.


"ублюдку" we both say simultaneously. Him in Russian, I in English.

"I am not a motherfucker" we both say again before glaring at each other before a throat clearing catches our attention.

Our eyes dart away from each other to meet Boss' amused eyes.

"Are you guys done playing yet? Our visitors would like some demonstrations." That's when I noticed the other three people in the room standing behind Boss.

I suddenly felt self-conscious lying there on the floor in front of Zach's unwavering gaze. Becoming aware that I'm only in a sports bra and tight shorts, I could feel him scanning every inch of my ivory skin resting on the tattoos decorating my skinny frame. Feeling my cheeks flame, I quickly get from the floor rubbing my side avoiding all eye contact. I nod before going over to the bench in the corner and slipping on my light hoodie.

I make my way back over to the mats before nudging Vi in the side since he has yet to move.

"Up asshole."

"Dick." He mutters, before pushing himself off from the floor. "So where the fuck would you like us to start?" he looks towards Boss.

We both couldn't give a fuck about formalities clearly. Boss gestures towards the row of guns across the back wall, making it clear that it was me who had to handle the more "Equipment" side of things. Even more so because Vi couldn't throw a knife for shit no matter how many times Cort had tried to help him, eventually they both made peace with it after a rather unfortunate accident.

I stalked over to the giant wall of guns and knives before reaching out towards one down the bottom, turning around smirking.

"So this is a knife." I throw it up before catching it again.

My skills weren't as good as Cort's but I had an acceptable level of skill compared to Vi's idiotic skills.

I gestured to Vi "Go stand down there." I pointed to a human sized target at the end of the hall. Now this was fucking payback for the searing pain in my ribs.

Vi glared at me, probably knowing what was crossing my mind before he walked down towards the end of the hall. He laid his back against the human target, he seemed to fit perfectly. I decided I should probably speak, just in case I impaled him by accident. I looked backwards towards the Hempsteds who were looking rather worrying at the scene that was currently unfolding in front of them. Boss however was trying to contain his laughter at their faces, he knew this was a rather regular thing between us. We may have also done this completely drunk at one point or another but that was a story for another day...

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