02 - Nest of the idiots

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"Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore"


"I hope the memory of our friendship will be everlasting"



The water scolds my skin the redness matching the colour of the blood staining my hands, I never usually had this much on me to scrub away. It wasn't usually my own either, this time it was the blood of a very evil gangster that I had been trying to get for months. I was happy all my effort hadn't went to waste.

My conscience was clear knowing I had rid the world of some evil tonight. Six lives I had ended tonight although not enough to make even a slight dent in their forces, it would cause a few slight problems for their disgusting cause.

Catching my own eyes in the mirror, reflecting anger and hatred among their depths. I despised all the slimy scumbags for what they've done over the years, they all deserved to be exterminated. I will make sure every last trace of them is gouged from this world.

Taking a deep breath in I realise my hands had tightened on the edge of the sink, turning my knuckles ghostly white. I released the grip I had, flexing my long nimble fingers they could be classified as dangerous weapons. The blood may be gone physically by not mentally, even though they deserved to die I would never forget all the lives I've taken for my own.

I wondered when all the shit I've done would weigh down on my soul so much I'd break from the inside out. I tell myself it's all for the greater good but, who the fuck am I kidding. I am doomed to an afterlife of eternal damnation as much as all those motherfuckers, I doubt God would welcome me into the pearly gates with open arms and we'd have a little sing along and pray for world peace, all the usual basic bullshit.

I'm not really religious, I was lucky never to have a religion forced down my throat. Just a world I was thrown into and expected to deal with. No biggie.

A crashing sound from downstairs brought me out of my self-hatred. I never could get a single moment of fucking peace in this madhouse, I swear one day I'll snap go on a personal killing spree... again. Deciding to save myself a rampage, I turn away from the mirror, making my way to descend the stairs into the chaos of down below.

"You ate my pizza" a familiar voice whines

"And? It was only a pizza" A deeper one answers back

"But it was MY pizza, fuck face" It looks like world war three is about to ensue soon if I didn't intervene.

"Didn't see your name on it, once it's in the fridge it's free for all."

A growl sounded before I heard the cocking of a gun. Not this again, I did not fancy cleaning blood off the carpets today.

"Seriously? You're pointing a fucking gun at me over a slice of fucking pizza? YOU ARE FUCKING MENTAL!"


I round the corner and see what has become a regular sight in this household. One of my roommates holding a gun to the other one, I sighed. They hadn't noticed me yet standing in the doorway arms crossed. I clear my throat startling them both, you'd never think they are members of a dangerous organization since they act like toddlers. I put on my stern mother look and got my voice ready.

"Now Cortez, it's not nice to go around pointing guns in people's faces is it?" I pierced him with my gaze. He averted his gaze to the floor.

"No" he mumbled

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