12 - Unleashing the Lioness

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"Faber est suae quisque fortunae"


"Everyman is the artisan of his own future"



Isaac POV

"Sup Hempsted. Good game on Wednesday"

"Hey Bro"

"Call me sometime Isaac, I like your hair"

The voices follow me every step down the hall, half of them don't even know so much as my middle name but they still greet me. I do the customary bro hugs, high hives and some winking. I feel more like a robot more than anything else, incapable of having human contact that isn't about the latest gossip or basketball game. I've always yearned to have a real conversation with anyone at this school. Well, that was before she came along.

When everyone looks at me like I'm their king I can't help but be the slightest but narcissistic, I've tried to control the raging thoughts inside my head. I'm lucky to still be salvageable human material, never letting it all go to my over inflated ego. Okay, maybe I let it go there a little bit but we're all human or at least half the measure of one. Although I have to admit sometimes I wonder what it would be like to fade into the background, for once not have everyone's eyes on you constantly judging your every move. I hate high school, I swore I wasn't going to be one of those people who only truly peaked in high school. I'm much better than that, or at least believe I am. Not to mention the strange occurrences lately of people tending to be shot when myself or my family are around. Nope, not strange at all. But the strangest of all is the flash of white I keep seeing before it happens. Where was I? Oh yeah, high school.

Of course you can't have the king without the queen. Queen Bitch. I'm done with her, she's just a dead weight on my life. I have to drop her, what I said to Eliza the other day was true. Michelle isn't the same person she used to be, to put it nicely she's a raging bitch. She's a power hungry leech who I knew for a fact is cheating behind my back with my "teammates" no less but I've been actively ignoring it for a while.

We're the schools 'it' couple it's supposed to be the most perfect relationship ever in the eyes of our peers but it's the most toxic relationship I have ever been in and I've had some pretty shitty relationships myself.

My common sense is telling me to stay away from relationships for a while even though my heart thoroughly disagrees. It yearns for a particular steely eyed, brown haired girl. If I had to be truthful there is an air of suspiciousness about her, I'm not sure what it is or if I want to find out. I know her but I don't at the same time, we know the basics about each other but have never ventured deeper than that. I didn't even know her parents' names or even met her 'roommates' I still found it even stranger.

Eliza is an enigma wrapped in barbed wire and rose thorns. Maybe it's what drove me to her in the first place. Even before she tutored me I've noticed the girl who looked like the world weighed on her shoulders.

Eliza has me under her spell whether she knows it or not. I can't help wanting to hold her, be near her or to talk to her. She's different, she stands out from everyone else with the numerous tattoos wrapping around her frame. I still don't know what they mean but I can feel she's close to telling me. There's this one on her wrist which I caught a peek of when her bandana slipped one day, all I saw was numerous black lines before she shifted the fabric back into place. Once she told me her watering hole theory, but I connect to her theory.

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