17 - It Hits the fan

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"Si vis pacem, para bellum"


"If you want peace, prepare for war"



"I have a problem with that."

I've always questioned my ability to step into a situation without caring about any of the consequences. I was known among my fellow members to act first think later. This is one of those situations. We are all born with a fight or flight sense of survival, even when I was younger I went for the former instead of the latter. Why fly when you can fight for what you believe in?

With those words I stand up from behind the table, Zach trying his hardest to stop me from putting myself in the line of fire. He latches onto my hand trying to pull me under again, I shake my head at him. I can see utter confusion on his face and his parents. But I refuse to let more innocent people die because of me, I can't stand back any longer. Zach going to discover who I really am once and for all. It was bound to happen eventually so why stall it?

Everyone's eyes snap over to me in the corner still partly hidden by a table, the henchman take one look at me before bursting into bouts of raucous laughter. One of them is able to hold himself together long enough to speak.

"What is this? A joke? You're just a scared little teenage girl trying to act all big and mighty. You think your skinny ass can save all these people? That you can stop all the gangs in this restaurant? Sweetie you're kidding yourself" they all burst into laughter again.

I don't have enough bullets for them all but I'm sure I can improvise. When I don't make a move they all quieten down, I haven't spoken a word yet. The first sound I make comes out in a laugh, full tear streaked belly laughter.

"T-that's the best-t joke I've ever heard-d" I stumble out, I can't even be bothered to hide my laughter. "You're all fucking idiots!" throwing my hands up into the air, I wipe my eyes of any tears under the glasses before taking them off completely.

"The way I see it you're the ones that should be scared of a little teenage girl like me, all I wanted to do was eat in peace but no. you assholes had to ruin it. I bet you thought this would be an easy target. You should have known it wouldn't stand." I chuckle while reaching up for my left contact.

"I mean there's no possible way I can be dangerous right? You said it yourself I'm just a scared teenager hoping to somehow be the hero of this nightmare" I took out my left contact keeping my head firmly down.

"No way would I be able to kill all of you. No way could I match you bullet for bullet, I'm only one person at the end of the day." Taking out my right one, revealing my glowing emerald green eyes my head still cast downwards.

"I mean I'm supposed to be weak and unable to do anything. If you believe any of how girls are supposed be. I call it bullshit. You big 'strong' men must have taken out people younger than me. Obviously you can't handle when someone actually stands up to you. I guess it's why you kill them, other than to fulfil your sick fantasies of being the God that decides when it's right to take a life" I reach up for my hairline, slipping my finger just under the wig band

"But don't they always say you shouldn't disrespect the dead? You never know when one might come back to haunt you." I slide my hand under the wig before pulling it off completely, my ice white hair spills out and onto my shoulders.

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