07 - Edging Curiosity

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"Dulce bellum inexpertis"
"War is sweet for those who haven't experienced it"


He walked (More like strutted) down the hallway prowling his kingdom and watching his loyal subjects. Heads turn like always, windmills going one by one. Clack, clack, clack. The claws of the queen bitch go as she hangs on her prize trophy. Nose turned up at all of us mere mortals. She was such a basic bitch.

Now, Zach I could tolerate but her I would rather stick a red hot fucking needle in my eyeball and bathe with acid to put it lightly. I 'm still at peace with my place at the bottom of the high school food chain. Merely plankton while he is the ultimate predator at the top. Never to interact in public for the fear of derailing the entire system.

But he just has to fuck with that all so clever high school system. What he does could be considered social suicide if he wasn't top of the chain. Lifting an arm in my direction he waves. Straight. At. Me. In. front. Of. Everyone. So much for being the mere un-noticeable wallpaper on the wall. I can physically feel not only his gaze on me but the piercing gaze of everyone in the vicinity burning holes into my flesh. Each pair of eyes feels like a tiny needle searing my skin, there were hundreds.

I can ever so faintly hear the funeral march being played over in my head. I wonder what flowers would look great on my grave? Personally I'd prefer black but it's not as if I'll be able to give my personal opinion. I don't think I have time to write a will, give my fortune to the cat and dog home.

I 'm sure he'd be named the perpetrator at the trial of my murder, not by my job but at the hands of a live rabid animal. Fucking Isaac. Regardless of the millions of thoughts and eyes burning my flesh I still raise my hand awkwardly in greeting back.

This causes his ever so dazzling smile and whispers surround me over like a blanket, suffocating me. I've had much worse thrown at me than what they wanted to say.

'Why is he acknowledging the mute freak?

'There is no way that was meant for it'

I should mention it's their nickname for me. It's supposed to make me break and inevitably cry but I took it as a term of endearment. They were all posh rich bastards anyhow, they have no clue of the real issues in the world. They only care where there next source of gossip is coming from, more like hungry sharks waiting to tear the next piece of meat to shreds. They were all scum, there were more important things in life than who's fucked who or who's cheating.

I felt as if every day at school was another day when I became an unwilling exhibit. This isn't even when they all knew who I actually was. My alias is the one who received all this unnecessary abuse. I've been made a bigger spectacle because of him. It's all his fault. I was going to kill him. If the others didn't get here first... I wish I was kidding... not.


The boss has asked for a progress report on the whole protecting thing. I've made little to no progress but if I have to do this tutoring thing then surely things would work out eventually. It' time to tell him the great news. See no sarcasm there at all. Nuh uh.

Boss gave me a flat look as I entered his office. It's the same look he always has on his albeit handsome face. Sadly, tapping that would be strictly unprofessional. As if it's the only thing that's stopping me. Myth states that once in a blue moon the boss will actually smile. With real teeth and all would you believe it? Today is unfortunately one of the days where he didn't respond to my banter or bullshit. His resting bitch face stayed in place the entire time as I relayed the previous day's events. Not even a smile cracked his exterior when I retold the account of falling on my ass. He really is the life and soul of a party. He seems impressed by the total dumb ass fucking luck that I've gotten him as a tutoring student. To be brutally honest I have no fucking clue how I would have made this work if I didn't have to tutor his idiotic hot ass. I meant idiotic ass. Just ass. As if it isn't damn fine... what the fuck am I honestly thinking?

Flipping my icy hair over my shoulder, I prepared for my next assignment. Just because I 'm protecting the Hempstead's didn't mean I got out of other assignments. It didn't feel as if I 'm talking about killing people if I called them assignments, more like school projects. Except with low-key murder. Or maybe high key? Depends on how you look at it.

"I need you to do something for me."

"Well that's never a good way to start a conversation."

His flat look deepened into a scowl

"A little more enthusiasm would be appreciated."

The scowl never moves an inch

"Are you going to tell me or what? I'm clearly bursting with excitement over here." The Bosses piercing gaze roots me to my spot.

"Or maybe not?"

"I swear to fuck I'm this close to killing you before they do." He gestures with his thumb and pointer finger, a tiny gap in between the two.

"You love me too much"

A pile lands in front of me before I can even blink.

"Stop fucking around. Read it and do your actual job. Protect." His finger points to the door.

"Well, I do love your company but I'll take my leave."

Sliding the stack into my hands I saunter out of the room closing the door behind me.

Time to go to work.


I could see the scumbags from a distance. Even further away is an asshat, but a very recognisable asshat. Isaac. It's hard to notice him, yet I could easily pinpoint him in a crowd. Weird feelings stirred in my stomach. Must have been what I ate for lunch today as my insides flip flopped. A black hood concealed my hair in a neat fashion. I was far too noticeable from a distance, sometimes it's key when others I was better going stealth.

Back to Zach, he's wearing a tuxedo with a blue bowtie which made his blue eyes pop. Hair swept back ever so neatly and defined. He's so delicious I could eat him. But in some countries cannibalism is frowned upon. Unfortunately. Michelle, his girlfriend clung to his side like a leech in a much too short dress which can only be described as a pink scrap of fabric that barely covered her dignity and towering monster heels made her close to Isaacs's height.

How she could even walk in those is a mystery. My eyes dart down to my ratty converse clad feet. Fuck that. Seriously. It is truly a natural phenomenon with those two, where one went the other followed. I'm genuinely surprised I could get Zach alone sometimes.

Now himself and his family where surrounded by psychopaths and he has no idea the hunter was the hunted. The Hempsteds have no idea someone is gunning for all of their heads, the invisible targets on their backs. Lucky for them I'm the one standing in their way. It's all about to go down in a crowded place, but it's never stopped me before. A sniper riffle currently resided in the bag hanging by my hip. It bounced off my hip as I reached the fire escape.

That's the thing for crowded places, you need to get high enough to make a clear shot but not so low to draw clear attention. Those were key skills right there not taught in schools. A drip of sweat dripped down my forehead as I climbed higher. Perched on the roof high enough to reach the sky gave me a bird's eye view of the crowded street party.

Damn rich people. Anyone I could target from here but I have 3 particular heads in mind. All three were misled to believe they were gaining on their prey but in truth they were the hunted.

Grabbing my bag from my side swinging it over my shoulder and take out different mechanisms. I've been trained to put together a sniper within seconds. Locked and loaded I pointed the target at the first head, having to make this quick as the screams would echo the police would be called.

Pulling the trigger in three consecutive shots, one by one they all go down. Screams echo upwards until I can feel the vibrations through the floor. The Hempsteds ran with a start in the opposite direction with a start while poor Michelle stood there frozen splatted head to toe in blood with the first guy at her feet.



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